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[ H A R R Y ]

     Thursday at rolled around pretty fast. Maybe it was because we spent most of our time yesterday in the recording studio, but my mind was telling me it was because I felt a little nervous about my date with Paislee. 

     I know I shouldn't be nervous or even the slightest bit worried since she is my girlfriend. But I am, they're so many possibilities that could happen tonight that could ruin it. I pushed all the negative comments back and brought out the positive ones. 

    I get to publicly go out on a date with my girlfriend. Yes, there is a possibility that the paparazzi will be out, but we'll just ignore them as much as we can. All I wanted was to spend a beautiful night full of laughter and memories with my girlfriend. 


    It felt good to call Paislee that, like it fitted perfectly and rolled off my tongue so easily. I care about her so much, all I want is for her to be happy. She's all I think about, and according to the guys, she's all I ever talk about. 

   But I don't care, when you like something, or in my case, someone, you can't help but constantly talk about them. I'm sure Niall feels the same way about Julia. I mean, he does talk about her a lot as well. 

    Enough of that, it was time to focus on tonight. I was currently getting ready since the time read four-thirty. I know it was a little early to be getting ready since I told her six, but it doesn't hurt to be early. 

   I went to my closet picking out a nice suit, all black. I wasn't one for a suit that wasn't black or grey, but I liked black because every one said black fits me the best. I put the pants on, then the shirt, then threw the suit jacket on over it, then finished it off with my black tie. I walked back to the closet grabbing my black dress shoes as well, throwing those on. 

   I then headed to my bathroom to brush my teeth, and fix my hair. I put the front of it up, kind of like a quiff, but letting the end fall to the side a but instead of staying straight up. I sprayed some hair spray in it so it would last most of the night, then I sprayed on my cologne. 

   I walked back out to my room, and noticed Louis had walked in and sat on my bed. I stopped and looked at him, wanting to know why he let himself in. What if I was still changing? Or naked? That would have been awkward. 

   "Hey." I say, holding out the 'y' then quickly dying down. "What are you doing?"

   He finally looked up, noticing I had re-entered the room. He didn't say anything, he just patted the spot next to him on the bed. I looked at him in a weird manner, then obeyed his request. Once I was seated, I stared at him, waiting for him to continue. 

   "Look." He said, looking at me sternly. "This may be random, but it has to be said before you go on your date."

   I only nodded, anxious to know what it was he had to say. He took a deep breath, then let it out, and spoke up again. 

   "You really like Paislee, right?" He questioned. I smiled, nodding. The thought of her just lightened my mood. "Then promise me something, or should I say us."

   After he finished his sentence, the rest of the boys had entered my room, taking a seat close by. I looked at all of them, with a hint of a smile on my face. 

   "Guys." I linger on. "What's going on?" They all looked at each other before speaking. 

   "We just want to let you know." Liam began, clearing his throat a little. What could possibly be so important?  "We really like Paislee, she's.... different. She's not like anyone you've dated before."

     "She's funny, and doesn't treat us as celebrities." Niall cut in. "She see's us for us, and she really really likes you too. Julia said all she does is talk about you, and how different you are to her."

     His last words made me smile big. I looked down for a second so I didn't look like a complete idiot, then looked back up. Zayn speaking next. 

   "We just want to make sure you know one thing." He says, looking at Louis. I do the same. Louis placing his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. 

   "Don't fuck this up." He said. "We really enjoy her company, and we know how much she means to you. Just promise us one thing." I look at him in deep concentration, and nod. "No matter what happens between you two in the future, you'll find a way back to each other. You'll fix whatever it is that needs to be fixed."

   It took a minute for his words to sink in. I was glad they liked Paislee this much, and i'm glad they're having this conversation with me now, and not when something bad happens between us. Although, if that happens, i'm sure they will talk to me again. 

   I let the words process through my mind. I know it was early in the relationship, but I felt like I've known Paislee my whole life, that's how comfortable I am with her. I trust her, and she's honest, and kind, and beautiful. I knew one thing for sure. Paislee is my future. 

   "I promise." I say just above a whisper. They all smile, and nod. "Trust me guys. It may be early in our relationship, like a couple days early. But... She's my future. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. I will always fight for her. I would never give up on us."

   "That's all we wanted to hear mate." Liam said jokingly. 

    "Now." Louis said, standing up from the bed. "Time to win your girl over some more."

    I laughed, and stood up as well and gave him a hug. Louis was the one I could always talk to about anything. When we met on the X-Factor, we just clicked right away. We became best friends instantly, then over the years we grew closer. We're practically like brothers. 

    All the guys began to exit the room, Louis being the last one to exit. Before he did though he turned around giving me one last tip. 

    "Harry?" He said. I turned around, giving him my full attention. "Just know, girls love when you listen and talk. Listen to every word she says, and tell her anything and every thing. Words are the best thing in the world if you use them correctly."

    "Thanks." I said, giving him a smile as he exited the room. 




I really liked this chapter actually, this one was not planned but as I kept writing the more into it I got and yeah. I hope you guys like it!! :))

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