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          "We've got to stop meeting like this." He said with a smirk. 

          My heart began race faster than it did when I saw his car parked outside. We haven't physically seen each other or talked since that night outside of my house, so I was a bit nervous to see the outcome.

      My palms got a little shaky and a little sweaty. I swallowed hard, trying everything in me not to press my lips to his, or just grabbing him and never letting him go. We couldn't have a relationship, it wouldn't work it out, and one of us will end up getting hurt. 

   I laughed, shaking my head at his comment. He smiled, showing just a bit of his teeth, something that I liked.

  "Aw, man." I teased, pursing my lips. "Too bad. I was finally getting used to it."

   "Okay." He replied, lingering on the 'Y' "C'mon. I'll lead you guys to the rest of the boys."

   Julia and I said nothing, and followed Harry. We had to go through the worst part of parties. Dancing and hooking up. I mean, there is no one upstairs and there are plenty of empty bedrooms to hook up in. The dancing wasn't that bad, but it was still annoying and invading my personal bubble. 

    I got nervous that we were going to loose Harry due to the amount of idiotic drunks, partying way too hard. I felt a hand intertwine with mine, and I looked down then up, seeing it was Harry's. I just smiled, not bothering to break the connection. 

   Eventually Harry lead us outside, where there were multiple camp fires, and logs around them. It was a huge backyard, tons of lawn space. There wasn't very many people, maybe like five or six. I saw the boys in the back corner, laughing and holding beers in there hands. 

    As we walked closer, the guys saw us. They all jumped up in excitement, greeting us with hugs. Of course Julia took a spot snuggled up next to Niall. Harry and I sat on a log together next to Louis and Zayn. 

   "Oh, I almost forgot. Do you want a drink?" Harry asked, getting up from the log. 

   "Uh, yeah. A beer is fine." I say. He nods and leaves in search for a beer. 

    The campfire was so warm and relaxing. the sound of the wood crackling, and the smell of it burning brought back so many childhood memories. Good ones of course. I looked around, just studying my surroundings. 

   All the boys were laughing, and Niall and Julia were in there own little world. These dorks all made their way into my life somehow, and made it ten times better. For once, I feel like everything is normal, and my mind erased all the bad thoughts. 

   I looked at Niall and Julia, seeing how cute they were together, and it made me think. Harry and I could have that. We could go on amazing dates, hold hands, snuggle up by the campfire, kiss, and live happily ever after. 

   For once, I would be the happiest I've ever been in a while, due to just one person. He lights up my world, I think about him constantly. But, I had to refrain myself from thinking about that, or physically do it. When he does it, I'm happy, but It crushes me inside to know I can't have that forever, and my mind keeps replaying my mind, only crushing me even more. 

   "You know Paislee." Zayn began a conversation. "We haven't formally met. I'm Zayn." He put out his hand for me to shake. I accept with a smile. 

   "Nice to meet you." I say, pulling away. 

   "Harry talks about you constantly." He says, with a small smirk on his face. I blushed, feeling my insides brittle away little by little, knowing I shouldn't be doing the same. 

Summer Love~ Harry Styles [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now