Part 20

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My Master, the one you’ve been falsely lead to believe is the enemy,
is one of them. His power is like nothing you’ve ever seen. I bet he
could help you.

And if that doesn’t work out, I’ll personally take you to the witch
that helped Jena go to your world in the first place. Maybe you can
come to some sort of agreement with her.

These are just a few hints of what I could do for you, of what we
could do for each other.

I’m sorry I threatened you, and your child, but I needed to shake you
out of your misinformed loyalty to Jena and her cronies.

However, should you chose, to ignore this later, by not coming and not
taking your own life either, the threat stands and will be turned into
action. It’s not like I got your kid to raise as my own.

You understand right?

No hard feelings?

See you soon!


Your new best friend.

P.S.: Set fire to this letter. As it burns, a map will appear for a
few seconds. Memorize it then follow the directions to the meeting

P.P.S.: Do I really need to say things like come alone or don’t tell
anyone? Otherwise…


“Watcha doen?” Umani says in Al’Aeen ear, as he leans over his shoulder.

“Nothing!” the big man answers quickly, jumping to his feet and moving away.

“What’s that?” the coyote asks, pointing at the crumpled paper in
Al’Aeen’s hand.

“A composition I wrote about home. My real home. Not your concern.”

“Hmm. Wanna read it to me? I could give my critical opinion.”

“No, thank you! So anything eventful happened last night?”

“I didn’t hear anything. Why?”

So he is in on it, too. Guess there really isn’t anyone I can trust on
this planet.

“Just curious.”

“Nope. So where is E?”

Are you fcuking mocking me right now? A deadly glare follows his thought.

“She is with Uma.”

“But I just saw Uma like thirty minutes ago, and she was alone.”

“Yes, we’ve met between then and now. They went for a walk, and I
think I’ll join them. Excuse me!”

“Yeah, sure. Go ahead!”

Like I need your permission, you duplicitous snake!


"Conall, we have a problem.”

“What is it?”

“Oh, nothing much. Somebody kidnapped E and Al’Aeen went alone after
her,” Umani fills him in.

“What? How? From where? How did they pass the guards?”

“Last night, from our tent, and it only was one person.”

“Any idea who? Or why?”

“A former pack member who apparently was the Second’s mate, and
because Jena killed the Second back on Al’Aeen’s planet.”

“Shit. And how do you know this?”

“The person left a letter. Told Al’Aeen to go alone and not tell
anyone, or the kid will be in trouble.”

“So he told you anyway?”

“No. I read it over his shoulder.”

“And he didn’t notice it?”

“I’m a coyote.”

“Right, and yet they snatched that kid right from under your nose.”

“I have no explanation for that. It is not possible.”


“Unless someone is breaking the rules.”



They both say, a hint of real worry in their eyes.

“Who would be stupid enough to make a deal with that witch?”

“Someone desperate maybe.”

“Like someone who lost their mate and wants revenge, no matter the price.”

“Damn, they just can’t get a break.”

“You mean Al’Aeen and… Jenaaa! How nice of you to drop by!”

“Umani, Conall, what’s with the long faces? And what about Al'Aeen and me?”

“Oh, yeah. Al’Aeen said he wanted to talk to you.”

“Really? So…”

“He went that way,” Umani points in the direction Al’Aeen had left earlier.

“Thanks! Bye!”

Jena leaves, with quite the bounce to her step.

“Are you sure that was wise?”

“Instinct. But should we send more help? Who knows how many they are facing!”


“Huh? Any reason for that?”

“Same as yours, instinct.”

“We could go watch? Stay hidden?”

“Fine. But no interference then.”

*A.N.: First time i try this posting thing from my Smartphone. Pls let me know of any mistakes.

So? Impressions? Thoughts? Did you enjoy the letter? Hard not to like the villain, right?

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