Part 124(8)

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"That witch apparently meddled with something she should not have. You were born earlier than you should have."

"Sandra? Wait! I thought we were talking about you!"

"We are. You will see the connection in a bit.

So you were born early because..."

"My father went to see the witch and asked that he and my mother produce an heir."

"OK, I wasn't aware of the motive.

Anyway, because you were born early, there was no soulmate for you on Calla."

Jena raises both eyebrows in slight shock, remembering quickly she had met Al'Aeen on Earth.

"But, since that little detail was affecting the order of things, she was forced to make things right.

I don't know if it was coincidence, fate or she did something to affect things, but you went to her at asked for a way to reach Earth."

"I was following the person responsible for my father's murder, whom she also transported to Earth."

"And this is why I say she had a hand in this. There are seven billion people on Earth. She could have placed your father's killer anywhere, but she put him close to my source, which would force you close to my source as well."

"Your source?"

"Only thinking about how to explain this to you is giving me headaches!

People on Earth can't shift. Let's consider them having a soul shard.

People on Calla have an inner animal. Let's call them having double-sided souls shards.

The source of a soul shard is usually the equal contribution from the parent souls shards or the direct contribution of a Greater Soul."

"What's a Greater Soul?"

"Could you just hear me out until the end? It might help a bit more.

So you came to Earth and found the Earth version of me, I guess?

And the witch eventually went there and took some of that to make you a soulmate.

But Calla has double-sided soul shards, and since my Earth shard had a child, she took part of half of that or something... Anyway, she took a bit of that as well and she wanted to combine them into a double-sided shard for Calla.

But the Greater Souls of each of those pieces decided they didn't like that, that the outcome would be unpredictable.

Yet they found it an interesting avenue to pursue.

The human side of me was Al'Aeen, which as you know had some serious issues with accepting the reality of Calla, mates especially.

And then there was E, gifted with all the knowledge of its Greater Self and task with helping Al'Aeen realize he was always meant to be part of me."

"So E was actually your wolf, then why..."

"Yes, but she couldn't say anything because it would influence the natural evolution of the Al'Aeen entity."

"I always thought E was a little creepy. No offense, Edrik!"

"None taken. I was quite aware of how odd I appeared to be to others. It is why I seldom spoke," Edrik answers through Alain, using a deeper tone.

"And then what happened?"

"Well, you may have noticed some changes affecting Al'Aeen over time. Even relating to you,"

"Yeah, he was gradually more confident, culminating with his leading the battle of Canyon Valley but not sure about his reaction to me..."

"I know he was a part of me, but let's consider him a different entity for now.

He was gradually falling in love with you, despite all of his mental resistance."

"Falling in love?"

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