Part 37

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"I don't understand what that has to do with anything!?"

"When you first knew I was your mate, was the Second – I think you called him that – was he alive?"


"So, would it be safe to deduct that you prioritized killing your revenge target over getting me to understand about mates?"


"So once done, you came back looking for me, with the metaphorical blood on your hands, and you ran out of time."

"Yes, but you know, there were complications because the witch said..."

"I don't think I care anymore. The person I was... would have run away from you, knowing you were a murderer."


"But he might have also agreed to get to know you better, had you actually decided to spend the time with, because having a girlfriend through college and university is not the same as having a wife and a child."

"I don't understand..."

"Because that's what I had a few months ago when you came again. You tempted me with the vision of a girl I thought was just a fantasy of mine. Even if I believed you were only a dream or a vision a long time ago, that vision inserted itself into my soul and rooted itself there. Did you know I even dreamed of talking with you a few times? It was so real. We even kissed!"

Knowing he remembers all that, even though he doesn't realize he was actually talking to her, has Jena's heart thumping with happiness, but the speech, his monologue doesn't feel like it's going in the right direction. Not even a little bit.

"So it wasn't enough that you were calling to me in my dreams, that you actually met me and I wasn't a priority to you, that I had a wife and a child and was happy, you had to come again..."

"But I never..."

"Just like Lindator said, driven by obsession, you didn't care if you hurt me, you had to come again and tempt me, pull on that string in my soul, the one calling for you, the one I never actually managed to get rid of.

The one that had me thinking of the mulatto beauty that maybe could have been mine but never was, in moments I least expected throughout the past decade."

The reproach is both painful and agonizingly pleasant for Jena, like a love letter from the person you secretly loved, that you only find after he or she died, and Jena is left without a reply.

"And the most annoying, infuriating thing is, I can't even blame you for it entirely! I'm not even allowed to be a full victim and wallow in my own self-pity because I...

I should have been stronger.

I am the one who shouldn't have followed you.

And I am the one who shouldn't have touched that shifting surface that brought me here.

Me and E.

In the end, more than half the blame for taking my child away from her mother falls on me.

I'm angry with you but I'm furious about how stupid and weak I was.

And seeing you, I realize this will be a constant reminder of your selfish obsession and my pathetic failure at being a proper father.

I don't think we should be interacting anymore. I'll stay until this stupid war is over, but if you have any kind of feelings for me like you claim, and you can stop being selfish for a moment, then avoid me. Send me your Alpha orders or whatever through others and I swear I will obey them to the best of my ability."


"J... Jush... Geh... OUH!" he gargles.

An Alpha running away in tears is not something Uma sees often, if at all, so she has to wonder if something has happened to the father of her charge. Looking at E, she notices a frown on the child's face, something unusual on the otherwise serene little girl.

*A.N.: In the next update, find out why the serene child is frowning and what she will do or say to her father.

Honestly, can you tell me what Al'Aeen's speech made you feel? Where you able to feel his anguish? His frustration?

Was he right to say those things? How would you react if you were Jena? 

And remember the double Give next combo for parts 36 and 37.

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