27. Pressin' hard

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Babies must have a thing for sleeping on me. Ines was asleep in my arms again the whole way to New York. Anna was helping me learn lines at the same time and Blake was keeping James company. I read through the entire script last night and from what I understand, is about a high school teacher, who is an alcoholic and is not the best at being a teacher and is slacking off. She is on the verge of losing her job and turns to her top student, Bella for support. They together take huge risks to save their own reputation, the teacher's job, and Bellas grades, as she had cheated. In the end, they learn and live. Most of the movie is scenes with me and Jennifer, which I still cannot get over! When we land, I am confident in about a third of the lines, Anna said that was well underway. The hotel we were staying in for the next 5 days was close to the airport, so we walked most of the way, and the paparazzi followed us the entire way. When the hotel came into view, security came and escorted us to our rooms, that were right next to each other again. Later that day, Anna and I went for a walk around the city. We both had our matching Tiffany glasses on as the paparazzi waited outside every store we went into. We came across a pizza joint so we went to dinner there. "I have Meyers tomorrow night and BuzzFeed during the day, then The Today Show the day after that," Anna tells me. "I am I coming with you?" I ask, not sure. "Well, I'm not going to leave you alone in New York City by yourself, especially after the article." Anna rolls her eyes like it was a dumb question. "What article?" I take a bite of pizza. "You haven't seen it?" Anna taps around on her phone and shows me. It is titled 'Anna Kendricks Daughter, Everleigh Set To Co-Star In New Jennifer Lawrence Movie'. "Oh Damn. How did they find out?" I ask. "Have you not seen this all on twitter? Production must have released the cast." Anna sighs and passes me the phone to read it. "Is it a bad thing now?" I take another bite. "What do you mean a bad thing?" "I don't know, you sighed like it was," I tell her. "No, its good, just more questions, people following. That's all." Anna smiles. In that hour, more people must have seen the article, and now they were yelling at me too. 'Everleigh! Are you excited to work with JLaw?' 'Everleigh, can you give us a smile?' 'Everleigh, Are you nervous about your first movie?' 'Everleigh!' I really don't get why they are so loud and rude. I lock my arm in with Annas and speed up. "I just need some water." I breathe to Anna, not really wanting anyone to hear. "Ok, ok." Anna looks up and around for the street the hotel was on. We get there quickly and Anna fetches some water from the lobby. "They are loud, hey?" Anna rubs my back. "Yeah. And they get really close to you." I take small sips from the cup. "It is something you get used to."

We took a taxi to the BuzzFeed headquarters the next morning. Anna got to take some quizzes with Blake, and while they were doing that, they let me play with the puppies for the interviews they do with them, so fricken cute! Anna came to get me when she had finished, but we ended up staying another 20 minutes playing with the puppies. Oops. Because we stayed longer, we had to head straight to Seth Meyers instead of going back to the hotel. Anna had to change there into a white lace knee-length skirt with a blush colored top and white heels. I was introduced to Seth, who was nice and funny. I watched from backstage on the monitor. They talked about the movie, red pandas, again, the new royal baby and Seth also mentioned the article about my role. "Yeah, so Everleigh is starting a JLaw movie soon," Anna confirms, and that was basically it. Anna and I decided, after Seth Meyers to go back to the same pizza place for dinner. 

At The Today Show the following day, I got to meet everyone there before it aired. They talked about the same stuff basically as Seth did. While they were filming, I was just going through my Facebook feed, and saw I got a message, from Jennifer Lawrence! I have a mini freak out behind the camera before I bring myself around to opening it. It read. 'Hey, Everleigh! I am so excited t work with you soon! I have heard a lot about you and cannot wait. I just thought you should know, if you need anything on set, to come to me. I am excited to get to know you better so we can make the best movie possible. See you soon! Jennifer x.' Holy shit that happened. I screenshotted it and waited for Anna to be done. I don't say anything when she comes over, I just hold my phone up to her. "Oh wow. That is so sweet of her. Have you replied?" Anna asks. "Nah." Is all I say, not really thinking I need to. "Anyways, we are going to be tourists for the rest of the day, so let's go." Anna takes her mic off. 

For the rest of the day, we are being followed by paparazzi around the city, to the Empire State Building, through Central Park, Broadway and Anna even showed me in the theatre where she was in High Society. 

The next day, we flew to Toronto for a couple days to end the press. And it wasn't long before we were finally home in LA for a week. I had stupidly not learned any lines since the day we went to New York, so Anna would frantically help me when she could. I could have asked Lachie, but he can't know anything about the plot. Whenever I wasn't doing school or learning the lines, I would be with Lachie and Lils as much as possible before I had to go again. 

A/N Hey! <3

A Simple Favor/Starter is set to come out in October 2018, it wasn't known yet when this was written so yeah haha :)


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