64. Children won't listen

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"Ok cut, let's take 30. Ev, take some breaths" Marc, the director calls. Marc Lawrence was the director of Noelle, and was happy that I had said yes to the job, and about my second middle name. "Thank you." I sigh Miles and Bailey, the two boys who were 6 in the movie ran off to their moms. "You know, you are a really good actress." Isla, the little girl pulls my arm. "So are you sweetheart." I crouch down next to her. "You look tired." She says. "I have been busy and the boys are really crazy." I whisper to her. "I know, right?" She rolls her eyes which makes me laugh. "I'm going to go make a call before we come back, Ok?" I stand up straight. "Ok." She lets go of my hand and goes back to her mom. We only had two more months of filming, and the kids were coming in. And kids are hard and now I know why Anna isn't too keen on working with them. They are in their own land, and it would be so easier to shape them to the job and to do what they actually have to, but I can't. It was already 4pm and we were shooting all day, the most important scene with them. I quickly escape from set before anyone needs to talk to me off to my trailer. I sit on the stairs outside and face time Anna. On the fourth ring she answers." Hey, you busy?" I ask when she answers. "No. Its 10pm here, you're good." She smiles. "Oh right. I have half an hour." "Ok good." She looks anxious. "I saw the article." I say sympathetically. "Yeah I figured. I'm ok though." She looks away. "Are you sure? The article doesn't make it sound like that." I tell her. "It is a gossip article. What do you expect?" She scoffs. "Ok sorry." I get a bit offended. "I'm sorry. I am PMSing too." She says. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask carefully. "What a dick though." Anna snaps suddenly. She had just ended a shortish-term relationship a few days ago. "But you knew it wouldn't last." I remind her, remembering she told me that herself. "Yeah. But it's not like I didn't love him as a person anyway. He has shit timing too." Anna says. "Right in the middle of a shoot." I add. "Yeah. But no, I am seriously fine. Just over Twitter is shady as fuck and embarrassing. We didn't even make the relationship public or like, announce it anyways." She rants. "Is it nice weather there?" I change the topic, not really wanting to talk about exes anymore. "Yeah, not too bad." She looks around her. "It was snowing a few weeks ago." She adds. "Yeah, I know, you told me." I say. "Right. But I am so excited to be home in a few months." She sighs with relief. "Me too. But it sucks that I get back a whole week before you." I pout. "Yeah. I know." Is all she says. "How are the kids going?" She spins around, and notice realize she is on a spinning chair. I take a deep breath. "You can say you told me so." I sigh. "What's happened?" She looks concerned. "They are INSANE! They don't listen, have too much energy." I start to list. "I know. I know, yeah. I wish I had their energy. And how many are there?" She asks. "Two boys and a girl who are 6, and sometimes a baby girl." I sigh. "Oh wow." Anna gasps. "It's so hard. And it is usually only me with them." My voice croaks a bit. "How many days have you done with them?" She asks. "Three. In a row." I run my hand through my hair. "Oh shit. Full day?" She checks. "About 5 hours yeah." I roll my eyes up to stop some tears falling. "Don't cry." Anna smiles. "why are they so hard?" I ask. "Well they look up to you. Don't be that bitch, babe." Anna tells me. "I'm not trying to be 'that bitch'." I snap at her. "Well, this is what I was like with you when you were a baby, you had a mind of your own. Give me some credit." Anna smiles. "Sure. But if it were to be like you, and fit how you do things it will be so easy." I tell her, like a did to Lachie. "Wait, you are saying it will be easy, and if it were to be. ARE YOU PREGNANT?" Anna screams, and I can't tell how she feels. "What?! No I am not." I reply quickly. "You scared the shit out of me." Anna sighs. "But its weird you thought that, Lachie talked about kids the other day." I tell her. "Oh yeah?" She perks up. "What? We aren't trying. And wouldn't you be mad, we aren't like, married." I tell Anna. "Yeah, I know, but it will happen. I know it." She smirks. "Ok thanks for telling me." I say flatly. "Ok." She throws one hand up surrendering. "I have to go back to set now." I check the time. "Yep. I'll call tomorrow. And stay calm." Anna tells me. "Yep. Love you." I blow a kiss and she blows one back before ending the call. I go inside my trailer to check my makeup before I take some breaths and go back to set. "Ok. I'm good." I tell Marc, who really understands me. "Ok great. Everyone!" He gets everything moving again. The kids come back and sit in their spots. The baby is waiting on the side because I have to go get her. As they reset the cameras, I play with the baby, Olivia while they do, and Miles is picking his nose, Bailey is trying to touch his nose with his tongue and Isla watching in disgust. "Ok, ready...." Marc calls. We had to start the lines twice before I could actually pick up the baby because Bailey kept messing up the word 'orange'. Finally, maybe 2 hours later, in 8 takes we got it done. It took so long, at one point I couldn't stop laughing at Miles because I am so heartless and he stood up but fell backwards when he stood. Then another thing was that Olivia wouldn't stop 'talking' over us so she had to be fed then come back. "Thanks for coming kids. See you tomorrow." Marc smiles at them. "But we, miss Everleigh. Have a long night." He sighs. "See you soon." I sigh too, and head to hair and make up to change.   


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