73. Growing a human!

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"Come on let's gooooo!" Lachie is basically pulling me out the door. "Slow down cowboy! Not helping my nausea." I stop him. "Oh sorry." He comes back up a few stairs to help me down the rest. "I'm not that pregnant yet, babe. I can handle stairs" I laugh at how cute he was being and how eager he was to get to the first ultra sound. "I'm just still so happy! Like, you have a baby in you." He expresses. "Yeah. I know." I tell him, he had already said that twice today. "Ok sorry. Do you want to get something to eat?" He asks when he gets in the driver's seat. "Donuts would be great." I smile just thinking about them. The line at Dunkin Donuts drive thru was really long so Lachie went in for me. He can back soon with a box of four Donuts. "Woah, I don't need all these. My goal is to keep the same weight after the baby. No more." I laugh, he couldn't eat donuts because of his diet. "Just save them then." He restarts the car. "So, the order is Anna, Lilia, Kayla and fam, then everyone else." I remind him. Last night, the two of us came up with an order that we were going to tell people in, and that was the order. "How do you think Anna's will react?" Lachie rests his hand on my leg and the other on the wheel. "She will be thrilled. Trust me. We talk about this stuff all the time. And same for Lils." I tell him. "Ok good." He smiles. I feel like today is going to be a lot of smiling for him. "And you know when you tell the team and stuff, make it clear it will not interrupt your playing." I say firmly. That was the last thing I wanted for him, his manager and teammates thinking he will be distracted, but I reassured him I am fine. "Here we are." Lachie grins as we pull up to the Los Angeles maternity clinic. He gets out and dashes around to my side of the car and takes my hand to help me out. "Again, not that pregnant yet." I laugh. "Right." He backs off a bit. A few blocks away, I notice the paparazzi spying on us with their cameras. "We haven't thought of that, Hun." I budge Lachie a bit and tilt my head in the paparazzi's direction. "It will be your call. You always know when the time is right." He rubs my back. "I am always right." I agree with him. "And I read that because I am small, it takes me longer to show. Ooh, we could keep everyone on edge till the last minute. Like Kylie Jenner did." I joke as the doors open for us. "No. That is the one thing we won't be doing." He says strongly. "Fair enough." I smile as we reach the front desk. "Everleigh Kendrick." I tell the man my name. "Take a seat. And I got to see the Rapunzel movie the other day, and queen you slayed!" He exaggerates. "Thank you so much. Glad you liked it." I tell him and follow Lachie to sit down. "I know we talked about this but I still find it weird when people call you queen or mom." Lachie says. " Like in my Instagram comments? Yeah you get used to it." I shrug and unlock my phone. "Mrs Kendrick." A lady calls five minutes later. I stand up and Lachie follows me. On the way to the room, I get a lot of looks and whispers from people and the nurse notices. "Next time you come, Mrs Kendrick, go through the other way around the corner from here. We get all the famous people to do that and I'm your nurse now, and I'll just know you're here." She whispers. " Thank you. Just call me Ev." I smile as she opens a door for me. I hand Lachie my bag as I get up onto the bed and lie down. "You always see this stuff in movies or on Keeping Up and now I am like, doing it." I laugh. The nurse, whose name was Jasmine, typed around on the computer for a while before she got up to start the ultrasound. "You're a small lady." She laughs. "Yeah it comes from my mom." I smile. "So, you know it will take you some time to start showing, so don't worry about that." She tells me as she pulls my shirt up a bit to revel my bare stomach. "How easy is it to get abs back?" I ask, noticing my faint ones. "Shouldn't be too hard, but you can work out while pregnant." Jasmine says as she squirts cold gel onto my stomach. "Shit that is cold." I squirm around to get used to it. "So do you know how many weeks?" The nurse asks. "The test said 2+ weeks." I tell her. "Ok. And you didn't know before a week ago?" Jasmine asks, amazed. "Nope. Not until I threw up twice that day." I nod. "Most people find out 1 or 2 weeks in." She takes a little stick thing and spreads the gel around my lower stomach. "So will you be able to tell how many weeks now?" I ask. "I can tell you if it is under 8 weeks, but nothing else. It is hard to say." She explains. On the screen in the room, you can see a gap in my stomach where my womb is and then on the side, was a little shape curled up. "So I'd say you are just coming out of 3 weeks." The nurse explains. "Ok thank you. So when should we be back?" I wipe the gel off with a cloth. "Not until maybe, five or six more weeks." Jasmine says. "I won't be in LA for a while. But I can go somewhere else?" I check with her and she says ok, and writes down the details for me for the next ultrasound. "Are you nervous?" I ask Lachie on the way home. "Not really." Is all he says. At home, we sit down on the couch and call Anna on face time. She is away in San Francisco right now so we are telling her over the phone. "Hey guys." She answers. "Hey. Are you busy?" I ask before we get into it. "No, not really. Why?" She asks. "We have something show you." Lachie smiles. "What is it? Are you guys on a honeymoon now?" She sighs. "What? No. Just look at this." I tell her, and change the mode so she can see my phone screen. I open my photo gallery and show her pictures of us at the football field yesterday. "Cute." Anna smiles. The next one, was a photo of the positive test. "No! Are you pregnant?!" She screams. "Yeah!" I laugh at her reaction. "Baby! Are you seriously?!" She asks. "Yes! I am not kidding. 3 weeks." I tell her. "Already?! So, around the wedding?!" She tears up. "It is incredible." Lachie says. "So amazing. I am so happy for you guys. I can't wait to get home tonight now." She smiles. "Yeah. But then I have the movie in Maine tomorrow." I say. "Is Lachie going with you?" Anna asks cautiously. "He can't. His season just started." I explain sadly. "I'll go with you! We can stop by Portland and surprise mom and dad." Anna gets enthusiastic. "Really? You're not busy?!" I check with her. "Not for a few months. I think." She shrugs. "Ok. Great. It will be fun." I nod. "I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE GROWING A FUCKING HUMAN!" Anna squeals. "It is so weird. But we should make other calls before it gets late." I tell her. "Ok. Will talk soon. And take care." Anna ends the call, but before it disconnects, we can hear her squealing more in the background. "Did that go well?" Lachie asks me. "So well." I kiss him on the lips. The next person we call is Lilia, who has the same reaction and freaks out on us. I called Gemma, who put the phone on speaker for Teddy and Kayla to hear. The three of them were humbler about it and very thrilled. After the three biggest ones, we took turns calling friends. "No way! You are!" Maddie gasps when I tell her. "Yeah. I need you to help me with the room and everything too." I say, because she has the best taste in design. "Say the word and I'll be there." She smiles. "I'll let you know." I tell her. "Ok. Congrats you guys!" She hangs up. All of a sudden, I got really tired and could feel my eyes shutting so, I moved and lay down on the couch. Lachie lies down around me. "Hey baby. Love you already." He says to my tummy. Then he tries to make me laugh and starts singing our wedding song, All of Me to the baby, which also makes me go to sleep.

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