Did It Again

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It was the night before the exam. You were studying hard , suddenly...

It struck to you that you had done it again. Glancing up at the clock , you groaned out loud. Jin peered in through the door which had been left slightly ajar.

"Same old situation,eh? Will you ever change ,y/n?"

Then after a few seconds you heard him again,
"Incorrigible,aren't you?" He said, followed by a chuckle.

You had gotten used to it right up to the point that he laughed at you now a days. Yes,once again,you had studied hard and long for the wrong examination.

"I need a glass of water,oppa..."

The clock said that it was till ten minutes twelve, which was also how much you had scored for the previous maths exam.
The frightening part was that you did not mess up the dates and studied real hard.

Now here you were, casually reading English when you got distracted by the familiar faces of (your fav group other than bts)on the poster stuck on your wall which led to a river of thoughts through whiCh you swam gleefully leading to the occasion where you started dreaming about how perfect (fav member's) jawline was. That led you to maths again and it hit you straight over the head

"Oh shit!Maths exam tomorrow !!"

You could literally feel your text book laughing at you. But you didn't panic. You were going to be positive this time even though it was not necessarily a good thing as you had found out through personal experiences.
You realized that students who study ardently for the exams and the ones who never touch their dusty books never have anything to worry about, since their result is already decided and you knew which category you would fall under.

Anyways,you decided to give it a go.Opening your textbook, you sat down and began drifting again- clumsy,dreamy soul that you are.

Time skip to next morning

You woke just in time to see that you hardly have one and half hour to leave for school. Getting dressed up, you rushed downstairs with your bag and ran to the dining table.
You gulped down your sandwich and rushed out the door while you yelled a goodbye.

Walking wouldn't work now cause you would be dead late,so you dicided to cycle to school instead. You went to get your cycle only to realize it was punctured. You mentally cursed and concluded that the only other option was to run.

You tightened the cap on your head and after tightening the shoe laces,started running. You ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and (jk.. lol)
You finally reached the school gates panting.

Surprisingly,you were early. You got into your classroom, when you suddenly remembered that you forgot to take your geometry box/instrument box for the exam.
You ran outside and towards jungkook's locker in the hope that he would be there. And he wasn't. You then looked for jimin' s. Gladly he was there but he didn't have one with him you face Palmed yourself and turned to Taehyung . Burning hell, he had one with him. You literally screamed with joy and ran back to class .

You calmed down and sat on your seat. Thirty minutes before the exam and here you were - And you hadn't even started your final revision. You looked around and every one sitting calmly,ready to receive the question paper.
Thirty minutes reduced to twenty five.

However you firmly believed that everything happens for a reason. You raised your hand and the induvidulator
(a/n:I don't know the correct spelling, I just know that's what they call the teachers who come and you know,do NOTHING except go around everyone looking for cheaters during an exam)
Comes next to you.

"Sir, could I revise for these last few minutes?" You pleaded .

"Okay!But y/n.. why are you so desperate to revise algebra before the chemistry exam?"

There was an awkward silence except for the chirping of rhe birds and reading of the breeze.

The bell rang.

Well damn I am incorrigible...
You thought to yourself.
Well,it's all the same to me. No panic in This kid!!! Thinking this you awkwardly smiled at the Teacher and sat back down, then you bend your head down and start hitting your head to the desk cursing yourself.

Thanks again to all of you who vote for my work ^^
The only reason I am able to do this is because of the fact that you guys are voting,and that you guys have my book in your library

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