Ring shopping

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(Piper's POV)

"Alex? Are you okay?" I ask concerned. She was obviously reliving a memory because sadness and anger had contorted on her face. She lifted the photograph of us kissing in Paris which was surrounded by the frame with the hearts containing A+P and P+A. The one she had gotten done for me for Valentine's just before we broke up. She finally spoke.
"After our breakup, Sylvia came round here looking for her Iron Maiden CD that I was hoping she wouldn't want back, you know it was the only thing of hers and about her I could actually tolerate. She was her usual cocky self, she saw the box of all of our framed photographs marked "LOVE MEMORIES" and immediately thought they were of her and me. I hated taking photos with her. It was always her that wanted to take them. Unlike us. I deleted them from my phone immediately, I never even wanted to print them let alone frame them. Anyway. She nearly destroyed this one."
She looked down at the photograph.
"I don't know what made her do it, maybe what I had engraved in the hearts? Us kissing? Uh who knows? Who cares? She threw it at me but I caught it. I threw her out after that but it made me realise how much I loved these memories, travelling with you and just you in general Pipes." She finished.

I don't think Alex would and could ever know just how much I loved her and only her. I smiled at her and pulled her in for a kiss. We kissed for a few minutes and I had an idea.
"We're getting married."
"Well noticed Pipes" she laughed.
"I was just thinking. Why don't we pick a photo of us in a location and go there for our honeymoon. I mean we've literally travelled the whole globe anyway. So, pick one Al." I smiled.
She got up from the couch, pulled her arm from around my shoulders and immediately lifted the one of us in Hawaii.
"Hawaii it is." I said and smiled at her pulling her back down onto the couch flicking on the TV when QVC came on. That reminded me. What kind of a fiancé asks their girlfriend to marry them and doesn't get them a ring?!

I get up very fast and pull her up too.
"Pipes? Are you okay?" Now she was the one concerned.
"No Alex, I'm not." At this the concern grew on her face. "I haven't got you a ring yet." A smile formed on her face and now she was the one pulling me out of the apartment. We got into her Porsche and she drove us to Avianne Jewellers. The most expensive jewellers in all of Manhattan.

We walked in and the display of diamond rings and other forms of jewellery on offer was endless. Alex took my hand and led me over to the ring counter.
"Pick whatever one you like the most babe." She said and kissed me on the cheek still holding my hand, intertwining our fingers. We knew each other's taste so I let go of her hand and walked to the other end of the very long counter.
"Oh no you don't Miss Vause. I want your ring to be a surprise." I smiled cheekily and teased her. She smirked and raised an eyebrow at me but complied while she went to pick one for me.

My mind immediately rushed back to the night we first met. Alex liked large jewellery. She was wearing a big black cross necklace that night and her favourite ring was also big and black, she always wore it on her fourth finger of her right hand. Hopefully the ring I was about to pick for her would dethrone her current favourite.

I was scanning through the diamonds when I saw it. The perfect ring. A 24 carrot diamond, square in shape about a centimetre in width. The band was encrusted with small diamonds that glistened under the lights just like her eyes.
"That one" I said to the sales person pointing at it. They put it in a red velvet box and I paid.
Alex also had one chosen for me.
"Ready babe?" She smiled and asked.
"Yeah" I smiled back.
We left the store, got back into her Porsche and drove back to our apartment.

Hours later we were snuggled up on the couch again watching Netflix.

BING. It was a text message on my phone. Man, hearing it again was so weird. It was from Polly. I groaned.
"What is it babe?" Alex asked still watching our series. I wanted her to watch Mad Men. I'd been watching it with Larry before prison but I wanted to continue it with Alex.
"It's the so called best friend who slept with her best friend's ex fiancé."
"Oh. Remind me I need to have a little chat with her the next time I see her." Alex remarks.
"Alex. You're not going to do anything overprotective or threatening are you?" I ask her cautiously pretending not to like it. Truthfully this side of Alex I found uber hot. I was her's after all and she was mine. She was only protecting what was her's. I found myself doing the same a lot. You wouldn't do that unless you cared so I found it unbelievably hot and cute at the same time.
"I can't promise anything but hey, I have her to thank in a way, and Larry come to think of it. Yeah, you guys broke up before they started dating but if it wasn't for them Pipes I might not have you in my arms right now snuggled up on our couch watching Mad Men about to be married."
"Are you kidding Al? Larry was just a distraction. You know I was waiting for you but you never called and I gave up. But I know why now, so you're off the hook." I kissed her on her nose.
"Oh I am am I?" She said in a flirty yet incredulous tone.
"Hmm I gave it some thought and decided I couldn't stay mad at you lovemuffin." I smirked at her and she playfully shoved me away with her shoulder.
"Ok so come on what does the text say?" She asked.
I read it.

"Pipe. I know you're out. Your mom called us. I know you probs don't want to hear from me but I was wondering now that you're out if you wanted to give PoPi another shot?- Pol"

"What's PoPi?" Asked a confused Alex.
"It's mine and Polly's soap business. I used a bit of my Vegas winnings to kickstart it, got us an agent then you dragged my ass to prison just before I could purchase a building for it." I gave her the side eye.

"Tell her yes."
I was shocked and by the look on my face she could clearly tell I was too.
"Oh come on Pipes. If we sat here on our asses doing nothing we'd get bored, yes we can afford to but it might also cause suspicion as to how we can afford it, don't forget you won that money while with me while I was doing business. Drug business. Which brings me to my second point. My money is drug money. Wouldn't it be nice to have some clean money for a change? Besides, my fiancé, a top businesswoman, hmmm yes please." She said smirking pulling me underneath her kissing my neck.
"Uuuggh fine Alex but only because you make a good point and clearly put a lot of effort into convincing me." I said referring to her trying to initiate sex.
"Yeah Pipes, that really took a lot of convincing." She said sarcastically between kisses.
I texted Polly back.

"Sure Polly. I guess it won't hurt anyone. I'll meet you for coffee in an hour."

The message sent, I threw my phone on the coffee table and gave in to Alex who was now fully on top of me plastering me with kisses.
"Why don't we move this to the bedroom?" She asked but it was obviously a rhetorical question because she was now practically carrying me to our bed.

I pried myself from Alex's arms and got out of bed to get dressed again.
"Babe where do you think you're going? Get your ass back here I'm not done with you." She said in her sexy tone she knew always, without fail, enticed me into bed with her. Except this time I had to stand my ground and not give in.
"Sorry babe, Polly calls. Told her an hour ago I'd meet her for coffee now to discuss PoPi." I started to walk out to meet her and Alex calls after me.
"You're ditching me and what fate awaits this bed for a coffee with your fiancé stealing ex best friend? Fine, but I'll be back in my sweats watching that programme you hate when you get back!"
I called back at her, "EX fiancé, I have a new one now and no you won't! You love me too much and never pass up an opportunity for sex with me!" I giggled.
"Yeah you're right." She said in a softer voice but I still heard her. "Love you babe!" I call into her from the door to leave.
"Love you too! And tell the stealing, pussy blocker I said hi." She called back. I shut the door behind me and headed out to meet Polly, laughing at Alex.

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