R.I.P Robin Williams

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I'm sorry this isn't an update but I'm so sad right now it's ridiculous. I can't believe he committed suicide, but it taught me you never know how people really feel in the inside.

He is such an inspiration to me and hearing his death today hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. I couldn't breathe. I walked into my room and cried. I'm stil crying while typing this.

I watched Dead Poets Society and he taught me so many things. How to sieze the day because one day someone will sadly die. Poetry is filled with so much passion, not because it's cute. Say what you feel. ( I editing this because I realized I said I wanted to be an actress or comedian hell no I've changed my mind big time lololol)

He made me laugh so hard in Mrs.Doubtfire and Aladdin during my childhood. My parents were even about to cry. My dad said he grew up with him on tv, and hearing that just breaks his heart. Mr. Robin Williams will be remembered. I feel like I just lost a favorite uncle or something I can't breathe.

"You're only given one spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."

Robin Williams 1951-2014

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