Chapter 20

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***This one is a little shorter than I owuld like but I don't wanna turn it into a cliff hanger and make you guys wait a week while I'm in Outer Banks. So here is the last chapter for a week! I'm sorry but idk if the place we are staying at has internet so yeah. Enjoy! Get me more fans while I'm gone? 15 is my goal by next Friday!***

I woke up in a small dim lit room. Once my eyes adjusted I saw I was on a small bed with a TV in one corner, 2 doors to the right, and a small window. I stretched and walked over to one door. I opened it and saw it was a bathroom. I closed that door and went to the other. I tried to open it but it was locked. Oh yeah, that’s right, they kidnapped me. I pulled out my phone and saw I had no signal. Dang it.

I walked over to the window and saw I was about 3 stories up in a house/warehouse in the middle of nowhere. The sun was just coming up when I realized I had a major headache. I put my hand on the back of my head and felt a big bump. Ouch. I walked back to the bed and lied down. I fell asleep, hearing Carlos sing Worldwide in my head.


“Get up!” I hear someone yell. I roll over and see its Alexis, Sammy and Jackson behind her. “Whatdoyawant?” I mumble. Man I’m tired. “I said get up!!” Alexis says. I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m up! Now what do you want?” I said. “Shut up! If you talk back again you’re gonna pay!” Alexis said trying to act “evil”.

“Why did you kidnap me exactly?” I ask. “Because you have a new boyfriend and I want you! Also the guy your dating is Sammy’s ex!” Jackson says. “And I hate BTR.” Alexis says plainly. “Well can I have breakfast?” I ask. “No! What part of kidnapping do you not understand?” Sammy says, speaking for the first time, in her mouse like voice.

“Fine.” I say. “Check her. Make sure she doesn’t have anything.” Alexis says to Jackson. He pats the sides of me. “Nothing.” He says. He’s so stupid! I have a knife, phone, and food and he doesn’t notice?! “Be quiet and don’t do anything. Let’s go.” Alexis says the last part towards Jackson and Sammy. They leave but not before Jackson punches me in the stomach and pushes me on the ground. “Good bye sweetheart.” Jackson says sarcastically and closes and locks the door.

I lay on the ground in pain holding my stomach until it finally decreases. I get up and decide to watch TV. I flip through the channels but it’s all the same….it’s doing a news report on a girl names Katelyn Reeds, dating pop star Carlos Pena, and has been missing for 2 days. What?! I watch for a while and the news person mentions something I didn’t expect. “On Twitter #whereareyouKatelyn and #wemissKatelyn are trending!

Wow. I go to turn the TV off because it changes to an interview with Carlos but I stop. “I need everyone’s help. My girlfriend is missing and I need to find her.” He says, starting to tear up. “I love Katelyn more than anything and I need her in my life, so if you know anything please, please, let us know.” I sit there crying. Missing Carlos, the girlies, Sydney and the pets. I turn the TV off and crawl back into bed. Might as well pass the time.

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