Chapter 57

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I turned around to face it. "Oh my gosh!" I said and rushed over I the puppy that was stuck in some net. It started whimpering. "Shh shh it's okay. I'm going to help you." I said. I slowly reached out my hand and helped the puppy get untangled.  

Once it got free it ran a little and hid behind a box. It was so small and I could see his ribs. "Shh I won’t hurt you. It's okay." I said and inched closer. I reached out my hand and waited. The puppy slowly crawled out and sniffed my hand. He barked and licked my hand. "Good boy." I said before e crawled into my lap. I picked him up and cradled him in my arms. I stood up and went back inside. I walked into the girls shower room and started the bath they had. It wasn't the best but the puppy was filthy.

After it filled up I slowly put him in the water. Fortunately, he didn't object. He just stood there quietly while I scrubbed all the dirt off of him. When I was done he smelled like strawberries and was a cream colored dog with small paws and a long tail, he kind if reminded me if Fox but a little bigger. He had blue eyes and his left ear had a piece missing but there was no scab or blood. "You're too cute." I told him and rubbed his head. He barked happily and licked my face and started wagging his tail really fast. Then I realized I haven't named him. "Hm what should I name you?" I asked the dog. And yes that's right. I'm talking to a dog.

He just yapped again and started chasing his tail. Wait that's it! "I'll name you Chase!" I said and Carlos walked came running in through the door. "Katelyn! There you are! We were looking for you everywhere! We thought-" he said but I could tell he was going to say "we thought you were kidnapped again." "Oh sorry. I found a friend." I said and grabbed Chase and turned him around so Carlos could see him. "Huh- what?" Carlos said and came rushing over. "Meet Chase." I said smiling and Carlos rubbed his head.

"He's cute but we need to leave or we won't make it to Utah in time." He said. I picked Chase up and Carlos and I walked to the bus. "Where were you?" Kendall asked. He was sitting at the table, drinking his coffee and James and Logan were playing a video game. "I found a friend. His name is Chase." I said. "Cute." He said. I went to the fridge and pulled out the lunch meat. I heated up the roast beef and put it in a bowl on the floor.

"Go ahead boy." I said and Chase dug in. "I'm heading to bed." I said. "Okay good night." Carlos said and kissed my cheek. Chase had finished eating so I have him some water. When he finished I picked him up and went to bed. I leed down on my bunk and Chase snuggle into my chest. "Good night boy." I said and fell asleep.

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