Chapter 58

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2 weeks have passed, which also means I’m 3 months pregnant but I’m not showing that much so the fans don’t get suspicious. The tour has been absolutely amazing and my fans are either called "Reeders" or "Reedenators". Chase has finally gotten some meat on his bones and he is officially best friends with Sydney and Fox. 

But anyways right now Carlos and I are videotaping Fox, Chase, and Sydney fight. Well not fight- fighting but play fighting. Oh and I left out 1 minor detail.....We're heading to New York! "Chase, you beat their butts!" I say, laughing and turning off the video camera. "Hey wanna play Just Dance 4?" Carlos asks. "YES!" I say and jump up.

I grab the Wii remote and turn on the TV and Wii. Yes that's right, we have a Wii on the bus. "I'm going to bet your butt Pena!" I said. "No way Reeds!" Carlos said and I clicked a category when the thing picked your songs. I smiled. It was Call Me Maybe. I danced and did the moves. When it ended I smiled. "AND REEDS BEATS PENA!" I say and do a happy dance. Carlos smiles and rolls his eyes. He jumps onto the couch. Then Kendall walks out.  

“Hey can I play?” Kendall asks. “Sure! But let me warn you, I already beat Carlos!” I say. Kendall and I play 3 times….I beat him all three. Carlos and I played 2 more…I beat him. “Well I’ll let you guys practice since I’ve already beat you guys 3 or 4 times.” I say laughing and heading to the front of the bus. “Hey Ranel.” I said and sat in the passenger seat. Ranel was driving. “Hey Katelyn. Are you keeping those boys out of trouble?” He said.

"Yep. I beat their butts in Just Dance.” I said. I sat there watching the world go by. I went back and saw Kendall and Carlos were fighting. “You cheated!” Carlos said. “Nuh uh! I’m just a better dancer!” Kendall said. “No you cheated!” Carlos said. “Guys stop.” I said. They kept fighting. “Guys STOP.” I said. They kept fighting. “GUYS STOP THE FORKING FIGHTING OR I’M BANNING KENDALL FROM EATING ORGANIC FOOD!” I said.

“Why doesn’t Carlos get a punishment if we keep fighting?” Kendall whined. “Cuz I love Carlos.” I said. “But it’s not fair!” Kendall said.

“Yes it is!’ Carlos said.

“No it’s not!” Kendall said.

 “Yeah huh!” Carlos said.

“Nuh uh!” Kendall said.

 “GUYS! Kendall you’re banned from organic food and Carlos you’re banned from Instagram.” I said. “WHAT?! NO!” Carlos said. “I’m sorry baby. You wouldn’t stop fighting so I’m banning you from Instagram! Now hand over your phone.” I said. He handed me his phone and pouted. He and Kendall walked away to their room. I smile to myself.

"We're here!" Ranel yells. Kendall, Carlos, and I share a bus and James and Logan. Fox for with us because he decided to stay on our bus and play with Sydney and Chase. I jump up from my seat and run up the stairs. Oh yeah, you know those red double decker buses? Well ours is a cross between one of those and a huge RV. I get into the fresh air and look up and see the city of New York. I've always wanted to go to New York and now I am! I gasp as we drive through New York and I see the sparkling water of the ocean, the Empire State Building, Central Park, and Long Island Sound.

"First time to New York huh?" I heard a voice that sounded familiar. I turned and froze. No. It couldn't be. "Nice to see you again Katelyn."

They're back.

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