Worst Patrol Ever

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-Gina's POV-

"It's possible that some villains were inspired by what happened in Hosu. That means they can be feeling bolder. This may just be a patrol but keep your guard up," Best Jeanist spoke out, leading the two behind him as they patrolled.

"Yeah, Yeah," Bakugou groaned looking around for anything suspicious.

"Here's a question for you. Patrols are mainly meant to deter villains from committing any crimes. But they also have a secondary purpose, what is it?" 

Bakugou smiled devilishly as the brunette next to him kept quiet, still seemingly in her own little world.

"If we see some bad guys, we can beat em' up on the spot!"

"Incorrect." Best Jeanist scowled at the thought.

"You may be one of the smartest kids on the class, but you sure are stupid when it comes to patrols," Gina spoke out normally, watching her surroundings as she got back tot he task at hand.

"HUH!? What the hell is that supposed to mean Rock Head?!"

"It means that during patrols you have to be aware of everything around you, including the citizens. You have to make them feel safe, and help out even when it's unnecessary, such as if a lady has dropped her purse, or a child's frisbee has gotten stuck in a tree,"

"Hey! It's Best Jeanist!" A girl n a school uniform calls out, earning her friends attention.

"Thank you so much for keeping us safe!" Another calls out. 

Their group seems to all swoon as our mentor waves to them.

"The answer is, to remind people who we are. Our presence gives the public a peace of mind. So yes, Yakatam would be in fact correct,"

"Ha, told you," Gina sassed, sticking her tongue out to Bakugou who pinched it spewing out another threat.

"I swear to god I'm gonna shove my foot up your ass,"

Gina smirked, talking through the fact that her tongue was held, "Kinky,"

"Shut the hell up!"

"Anyway," Best Jeanist cut in, "This helps us form a tapestry of trust between the protector and the protected,"

"Tch, I think you just like being recognized," Bakugou released the girl's tongue, leaving the muscle sore.

Gina laughed raising an eyebrow to the blonde. "Says you,"

"Hey! I've seen that blonde guy on TV before!" Yelled out a young boy, causing Gina to look behind her.

'Probably from the sports festival,'

"Yeah, an ooze villain caught him and he almost cried like a baby!"

Gina's eyes widened, looking back to the blonde who's hair ha spiked back up suddenly, leaving Gina to hold her sides and laugh at the scene.


The kids began to cry, immediately pulling Gina out of her laughing fit.

"Bakugou! You made them cry!" Gina soon got down to the three kid's levels trying her best to calm the situation down.

Bakugou sweat dropped seeing how the little snot from before clung on to his classmate's leg for dear life.

"Have you really forgotten everything I've taught you? Talk with them. Like a pro." Groaning at Best Jeanist demands.

"Yeah. fine," Walking up to the four, Bakugou placed his hands on his hips, his action scaring the boys into hiding behind Gina even more, "Listen up! I wasn't helpless! I was just coming up with ways to fight him. Sometimes a hero has to pretend he's been caught." Bakugou leaned down in front of the kid's his head now at the height of Gina's, " You really think I would lose? YOU'LL EAT THOSE WORDS ONCE I'M THE NEW NUMBER ONE HERO!!! YOU DUMB KIDS WILL NEVER LAUGH AT ME AGAIN IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!"

The boy's screamed in terror, squeezing Gina in hopes to escape the raging hedgehog.

"You're yelling at them too much!" Gina scolded, knocking the boy upside the head before turning back to the three and pushing them off of her gently.

"Don't listen to him. Between you and me," Gina motioned for the boy's to come closer, each of them wiping their face trying to dry the tears. Gina cupped her mouth with one hand, attempting to whisper, the only problem was she made sure that Bakugou would be able to hear as well, "I think he's secretly a hedgehog with anger issues,"

The three boys burst out into laughing fits, while Bakugou grew a tick mark on his temple. The urge to blow the brunette Girl's ass to dust becoming more and more tempting by the second.

"He really is!"

"His hair gives it away!"

"I'm gonna marry you!"

"Huh?!" The last comment caught the two heroes in training off guard, each of their expressions wild with surprise.

Gina laughed nervously, scratching her neck in slight embarrassment, "Could-Could you repeat that?" She asked.

The boy with one of his teeth missing spread his arms out wide, waving them slightly.

"I said that I'm gonna marry you!" Before Gina could respond the boy wrapped his arms around the poor girl, making sure his head landed in just the perfect spot, making sure to nuzzle in between the teen's breasts.

"Ah-h-h" Gina's eyes widened like saucer's at the kid's actions. Her body froze not exactly sure on how to react.

"EH!? THAT'S IT!" Without warning, Bakugou picked the kid up off the ground and away from the distressed teen. making sure to drop the kid harshly on the ground, "ALL THREE OF YOU BETTER MOVE YOUR ASSES BACK TO MOMMY!!"

Not wanting to be warned twice, the boys ran off once again in tears. Bakugou let out an annoyed groan as a small blush covered his cheeks, irritating him further.

Looking down to the girl he noticed the beating red face and a dazed look that adorned her face. He took hold of her arm in a firm grip, pulling her backward as he walked towards Best Jeanist.

"Come on. Let's just get this shitty patrol over with,"

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