75 ; Revised

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Stars Dance
Chapter 75
Zayn's Point of View

IT HAD BEEN nearly three days and Jackie had not moved from Selena and I's sofa. Selena would sit with her and they would watch telly together. Jackie leaned on her shoulder and they'd just take comfort in each others company. Summer vacation was approaching which meant classes were nearly over. While I had hoped to have a smooth sailing summer with Selena, Adam breaks Jackie into a million pieces, and I was due for a damn paternity test at the hospital with Lucy and "our" child.
My father kept me updated with updates about my long lost child. So far nothing, but I was hopeful, he had the best people on his side looking and searching. I grabbed the keys from the key hanger, when Jackie turned around.
"Where are you going?" She questioned.
"I'm going to doctors appointment with Lucy; more like DNA test appointment, James is going to meet me there." I said.
"No fucking way, shit is finally hitting the fan." She said. "How are you feeling about all of this Selena?" She turned to my girlfriend for her thoughts and feelings.
"Well" Selena lifted her shoulders carelessly. "It's not like she can return the baby." Selena said trying to find some humor in all of that.
"Actually—" Jackie turned to look at me.
"Jackie." Selena stared at her and nodded her head sideways, shutting her down, and Jackie laughed.
"Glad to know you're finding humor in my torment." I joke. "Good to see you smile again." I encouraged. "Anyway, I'll try to be back as soon as I can. If anything happens, I'll send Levi for updates."
"Leviston is back?" Jackie questioned.
"He got back yesterday." I said.
"I wonder if he finally told his mom he's not a political science major?" Selena questioned.
"I wonder too." I said, and kissed Selena on the forehead and ruffled Jackie's hair through my fingers. "I'll see you both later." I said before walking out the flat door.
I walked in through the clinic's slide doors, the more I walked through the more I dreaded being here. I found the waiting room with my father pacing around on the phone. He nodded his head and spoke with his hands.
He noticed that I walked in and nodded his head and gave me a slight wave and smile. I looked around she neither Lucy or her parents were here yet. I hated the situation I found myself in right now.
There's times I wished I had never crossed paths with Lucy in my life, that I didn't love her the way I did, and none of this would be happening right now. Maybe if I met Selena another way, this whole situation could be avoided.
"Glad to see you made it." My father brought me out of my thoughts as he hung up the cellphone and focused his attention on me.
"Did I have much of a choice?" I said annoyed. "They're not even here yet. I hate that we have to do things on their time." I rolled my eyes.
"This will all be over soon, just be patient son." He encouraged.
I sigh. "What if it isn't my kid? I just want her to be out of my life for good." I admit. "I'm stuck in the mud, because if it is my kid I don't want her to go to jail either." I admitted.
"Lets take a deep breath and relax before we start thinking ahead, let's get through this first." He said.
"The sooner the better." I admitted.
While we waited for Lucy and her parents to arrive, I debated of whether I should bring up Jackie and Adam's situation to my father. I'm sure he knew his— I didn't even know what to call her, he was still married to my mum.
It's not like he could do anything for Adam, or Jackie. "You know your son's mum is in town? What is she— your girlfriend?" I said.
"She's here? In England?" His eyes widen.
"You seem surprised, you didn't know?" I say.
"I mean I knew she wanted to come visit but I didn't know she'd come to visit so soon, she was suppose to be here for Christmas later this year." He explains.
"Well santa came early, and let me tell you he left a big lump of coal in Adam's stocking." I chuckled. "You know your precious son is engaged to marry?" I bring it up.
I don't think Adam would appreciate me just spilling his business all over town, but at the same time he was my fathers son, and if I'm being honest while I remained the black sheep of James' kids it's about time Adam had some dirt of his own. He couldn't be the light of my fathers life forever.
"I mean I knew." He admits and my eyes widen at his response. "Before allowing him to study here aboard for university, I told him he had to set the record straight with that girl, he couldn't just leave her without an explanation." He explained. "He begged me for a whole summer to help him get a study abroad program in England as soon as he got out of high school." He explains. "Why did something happen?"
"Well if that is the case, I don't think your son followed through." I confess.
"How so?" He questioned.
"Let's just say your son might have forgotten to mention that little detail to Jackie, and now she's a broken mess at my flat, she hasn't moved for the sofa for three days." I confess.
My father frowned concerned. "He did what? I assumed, because he was with Jackie, he was told her everything and ended things with Annalise." He explained.
"Well, I guess you have more than one fucked up son." I joke, he didn't smile back.
Selena's Point of View

 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦  «Zaylena»Where stories live. Discover now