Part 40: Please I Do Not Want a Heart:

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(Author's note: "-sentence.-" means it was spoken in different language. The telepathy is only one way... Only Dia can read Dream's thoughts and Dream cannot read Dia's thoughts.)

"Why are you following us? Go back to work!"

Dia snarled at Joseph when he noticed the king followed them. Joseph grabbed the head of the boy and furiously rubbed it.

"I will make sure to tell Kaleid to add ethics class for you guys."

"It is up to me if I will attend it."

The boy proudly bragged his whimsical nature.

"Ah my mask."

His mask got misplaced a bit from the head rub.
(Writer note: that kinda sounds weird)

"I am surprised that you are obediently wearing such a claustrophobic object on your face."

"Hmm..." The boy fell on silent and stared on the little girl greeting her teacher.

"Because I want to be here. Hey! Teacher! Try these fruits I got from the forest! It is what organic means right?!"

The boy ran to the teacher, happily swinging the basket on his hands.

The teacher happily welcomed the strange kid until his gaze fell on Joseph. The man got anxious and hurriedly bowed half degree lower.

"Your Highness! Uhmm.. May the Grace and glory of Spade shall fall upon to my King!"

"Don't be tense and just ignore me."

The three souls stared at him for a moment. It is obvious that his presence makes the atmosphere heavy, but it is not like they can turn him away.

"Hey! Go away."

Well one of them can, actually.

Joseph glared back at the boy and then turn his gaze back to the teacher.

"How about an Ethic class for a change. Someone in the room needs to learn some manners."

"Ehh! Go away! Don't change our agendas for today! History is a lot more fun than ethics!"

"I am the king of this land and you are on my land, my law is now your law. You learned that, right?"

The boy puffed his cheeks then went ahead and sat on the window next to Joseph.

"You are such a bore."

"Are you not going to join them?"

The teacher is now looking for appropriate books from his suit case for ethics. It was a last minute change, so he start looking for more appropriate books at the room's book shelves. Dream just sat there and grabbed one of the book from the man's suit case.

"I will be living the way I want to, I don't need to have someone to tell me how should I act."

"You will have to, in the future, you will be the face of the Empire."

"I am confident that I will be loved, just the way I am."

It is a dialogue Joseph used to hear when he was younger, it is Benjamin's favorite phrase.

"Isn't your father weird lately?"

Joseph decided to open a sensitive topic.

"Hmm... Maybe." Dia just nonchalantly answered.

Joseph knitted his brows.

"Don't you care about him?"

This boy noticed every little change Joseph's daughter had, from a little trim of her to her demeanor. Is he growing ignorant of everything except of Joseph's daughter?

Please, I do not want a heartWhere stories live. Discover now