Part 43: Please I Do Not Want a Heart:

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~Couple days later ~

'So, we are doing this again?'

The big human stopped by again, couple days after our last tiny tea party.

"Sorry, I was busy these past few days."

'Dude, I saw you early this morning at the breakfast table.'

"I brought treats, this time."

'You mean snacks, stopped hinting your child is your dog.'

However, instead of voicing out my snide remarks, I just smile and received the snacks. Like last time, we are under the Acacia tree and the three of us are having a tea party. I glanced at Scarlet who is gulping down the snacks the big human brought.

'You are my best big sister ever Scarlet! Thank you so much for not letting this atmosphere gets more awkward than this.'

I pushed more snacks towards Scarlet. And then I watched the big human tries to sip out of my tiny tea cup.

'You should had brought a bigger cup for yourself.'

"Ah, I have a gift."

I saw him pull out a tiny seedling from his side.

"I heard that this is a rare flower here in Spade but it is quite easy to grow."

The big human pass me the little seedling.

'It's jasmine... Don't tell me, is he aware about the aroma of the tea, after all.'

"I heard, the flowers are really fragrant especially in the morning and it relieves stress."

I tried not to look back to him, I don't want him to confirm my nervousness. I don't really know if he is playing some tricks to find out if I am a reincarnated soul or he is trying to win my affection so it is easier to sell the little me.

I played with the tiny leaves of the seedling. My mind is so full of thoughts trying to calculate everything. And then I felt his big hand on the top of my head, gently rubbing it for a second.

"I have to go back."

Then he stood up and went back to the castle. The breeze of the wind made my hair messier after his gentle touch.

"I can still feel his hand on my head..."

From his touch, it is obvious that he is trying to adjust his strength but it is still quite heavy, because why does his warmth still lingers?

I looked back on the little seedling that he left.

"He is so hard to understand."

If it is easier to read him, then it will be easier for me to make plans for the future.

"Or, he could just be honest and say he doesn't want me."

In my past life, those words had left deep scars in my soul, but it was easier to accept the truth and the pain. Though, I still wished for the impossible thing.

"Am I going to start hoping again?"

Hoping for the highest form of affection that only the family could give.

"It hurts..."

I can feel my heart beating and it is painful.

I brush my finger on the dry soul of the little seedling.

"Ah! You need water."

I looked around and all I have is the hot water for the tea. If I rung the bell, Scarlet will just bring me more hot water.

Please, I do not want a heartWhere stories live. Discover now