51: Please I Do Not Want a Heart

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'It is soothing.'

Dream closed her eyes and feels the wind on her skin and the smell of the grass and clovers soothe her whole being.

'Witch! A monster!'

The events from yesterday gave her a scar and kept on hunting her. She shook her head to get it out of her system.

"Meditate, meditate..."

She closed her eyes once again and cleared up her mind. And seething voice of rage came forth from the back of her memories.

'Why were you born!? If on-'

Dream opened her eyes and seen a totally different scene than what she expected it to be. She is not in a dark murky room but under a huge tree, which is dancing and brimming with confidence with the wind. She is not hearing sad and anguish words but the melodic rustling of the grasses. She is not smelling a foul smell of dirt and blood but the fresh smell of the soil beneath her. But then why, her heart continues to break.

Dream thought she mastered of having an iron steel of will. That she had hardened her heart to the point of she thought it is already made out of stone, but it only took a child's words to break it down.

Dream held both of her hands at the front of her throbbing chest. It is an unpleasant feeling. A feeling you want to fix but it is in an unreachable place.

"I do not want to be addicted to this feeling again."

"What feeling?"

Dia popped down from the big Acacia tree and that given Dream a huge fright.

"D-Dia! Please there is a perfect entrance! Please use it."

"But this is the shortcut. I don't wanna go around just to use the door ya know! Also I don't like seeing the people in the castle. What is wrong with you though?"

Dia jumped off from the tree and landed in front of her. Then his tiny warm hands brushed the hair out of her face.

"You look like a ghost."

Then Dia grabbed both of Dream's cheeks and start pinching it with mild strength.

"Ow ow ow, it hurts Dia!"

"You always do it to me too! But look you have color in your cheeks now, he he he."

Dia's smile was mesmerizing even though there is a mask hiding half of his face. Dream smile back.

"You are amazing, in your own way."

Now, the dark and murky feelings dissipated thanks to the presence of her friend. Even how much Dream despise humans, it is still humans who can cure the emptiness and the sorrow that shrouded her heart.

"What am I going to do without you?"

"He he he. Oh! by the way! Wanna hear a story?"


"Granddad told me a story last night, it was so long I fell asleep in the middle of it, but he continued on this morning for me."

'Is it a kid's tale?'

"No! It is a legend." Dia smiled and started telling the grand story of how the Empire had become.


Long time ago, in the age of the beginning of the first humans. Knowledge and conscience is still non existent. It was a life of fighting to survive. The concept of living together in harmony was nothing but a dream.

Please, I do not want a heartWhere stories live. Discover now