Chapter 27: The Traitor

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The following morning Henri, Six, and I prepare for our journey to find Number Five.

He was last seen on the Macrocosm stopped in Arkansas.

I take Pixie in my arms as we head down to the parking garage with everyone else.

"Good luck Emily," John says as we wait for Henri to select one of the many vehicles Sandor has in the lockup. "Watch each other's back."

"I will," I reply. Somehow, I can tell John is worried about Henri encountering a traitor. "Don't worry John. I won't let anything happen to Henri. I'll look out for him."

He smiles at me and I smile back.

Nine approaches us for a moment to also wish the two of us good luck on our tasks. That is, before he pulls out a pistol from behind him and hands it to me by the barrel.

"You know how to use it?" Nine asks.

I look to the weapon with a sense of unease and shake my head.

I've never held a gun before, even as simple as a pistol. I know my father would never allow me to be anywhere near one, let alone hold one.

Nine pulls back on the reload mechanism, showing me how to reload it.

"Safety on, safety off. Aim and fire," he says, demonstrating all that I should know, should I need to use it. "Here. Take it. Just in case."

With reluctance, I take the gun.

Then we're on our separate ways. 


Later that same day, we find a skinny pale boy outside some kind of Monster Mart, sitting on a ledge in front of a statue of what appears to be the Lockness Monster. He has a hotdog in one hand and at his feet rests a black backpack. He could easily pass as a schoolboy.

The boy notices us at the same time that Six renders us visible. Pixie goes on ahead of us, hoping with caution. Once reaching the boy, she sniffs around him. He finds it strange.

"Can I help you?" the boy asks.

"Yes actually," Six answers directly. "Are you Number Five?"

The boy stands in front of us in shock, but later smiles as if reminding himself that he expected this.

"Does this answer your question?" the boy replies, lifting up his pant leg to reveal three circular scars around his right ankle.

"I suppose it does," Henri responds. "The name is Henri. This is Emily and Six. The rabbit at your feet is Pixie."

"Cool. What number are you?" Five asks me casually.

Unsure if I should tell Five the truth or not, I decide on not revealing much.

"I'm human," I say at first. "But we're not here for introductions or happy talk. We know you work with the mogs. The question is, why?"

Number Five is silent for a short moment. He avoids eye contact with any of us, keeping his gaze at the floor.

"What I do in my life is none of your business," Five replies, somewhat ashamed.

"Is it because of your Cêpan; of Rey?" I ask after a brief pause.

Five raises an eyebrow; glances in my direction skeptically. "What do you know about me?" he asks, clearly confused.

"Rey died to a human illness, right? And now you blame the Elders for giving you a weak Cêpan. One that won't train you properly?" I say, guessing his backstory according to what Pittacus has already mentioned.

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