Chapter 115: can't fight the drift

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"Lexa, can you hear me? It's Emily."

"Emily, yes, I can hear you. What is it?" she thinks back after a short moment.

"I'm going to have a talk with Dr. Linda in a few minutes. I'd like for a confidential discussion. Can you turn off the cameras and audio in her office?"

After a minute or so, she thinks, "Done."

"Thank you."

"No problem. They are programmed to turn back on after 30 minutes though," she informs.

"Shouldn't be a problem. Thank you again," I say, cutting off the telepathic link and continuing my walk through the academy halls to the therapist's office.

Once I arrive, I can hear voices on the other side of the door. Sounds like Dr. Linda and a student, though I can't quite tell which one.

I knock.

"Come in!" shouts Dr. Linda's voice.

I enter the room consisting of ambient lighting and gentle music, the rabbit following at my heel. The middle-aged woman sits in the armchair with a notepad and pen close by as well as a mug of coffee. One of the students sit on the couch, his army-like boots up on the coffee table. Nigel Barnaby.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," I begin. "I was wondering if I could have a short chat with you. It's a fairly urgent matter. Can your session with Mr. Barnaby hold?"

Linda turns to her patient. "Nigel, is it alright with you if we pick this up later?"

The punk rock kid drags his combat boots off the table and raises his hands before standing and replying, "Bloody fine with me Doc. I don't know 'bout you, but our little sessions seem kinda blunt and pointless, ain't they?"

I smile at him as he leaves and closes the door behind him.

Dr. Linda invites me to sit on the couch while she sits in the armchair, sipping her afternoon coffee.

I have a seat, Pixie hopping up into my lap. I put my arms around her and run a hand through her sleek lightly browned fur.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" she asks at last.

Evidently, I look to the corners of the room, searching for any cameras or audio transmitters, in a way that makes it clear to Linda that we aren't being monitored in any way.

When I notice her noticing, I jump right to the chase, "I understand that you've had contact with the Foundation."

There it is.

I figured dropping the bomb straight away would trigger a momentary silence. I've prepared for it given the time; ensuring I say all the right things to get the information I need.

"I didn't mean to. I have no bad intentions," the suddenly timid lady responds, putting her mug of coffee down to rest her anxious hands in her lap.

"I know, but we've still got a problem on our hands," I say in a gentle tone. "As far as I can see, there are two options. Either you need to terminate all contact with the Foundation and stop sending them information about the Human Garde," I start, checking for a reaction.

"Or..." Linda says, urging me to continue.

"Or we fire you from your position at the HGA. That way, you will have an excuse to tell them of why you can't provide any information. What'll it be?" I finish.

She takes a moment to think. Then replies, "Believe me, if I could terminate my communication with the Foundation and stop doing anything they say, I would. But they threaten to hurt me or my sister. Maybe even kill. I can't risk that," she explains.

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