Chapter 124: Absolute Peace

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When Five and I returned to the Human Garde Academy, we went our separate ways to conserve time and get everything we came here for, done. He went to find Nine to talk him into letting Einar help with the Foundation problem and I went to find John.

I found him in our suite, sitting on our bed, and clutching a photograph of all of us when this place was built. He noticed me enter immediately and hugged me dearly while Pixie hopped around his legs.

"Emily, where have you been?! I was so worried about you," he exclaimed, more relieved to see me again than angered.

I brought him to the bed and had him sit down. Where it was then that I sat down beside him and held him in my touch while I told him everything.

Then, things just quickly escalated.

It has been nearly an hour; 10:16 pm to be exact.

"Wait Emily," he says, lying shirtless and out of breath on the bed next to me, an arm tucked around my waist. "It's all so much to take in."

I stop kissing him and simply hold him close, staring into his deep blue eyes like they are paradise itself. I run a hand through his long blonde hair that he has yet to trim and tuck some of it behind his ear, smiling at the anticipation.

"I know," I say at first. "This is why I need this time with you. The past 12 hours have been crazy, so to speak; and, I wasn't sure I'd be able to get through it without you..."

I may have told John everything, but I haven't told him everything.

Yes, he knows why I didn't meet him at Lucinda's location.
Yes, he knows about my kidnapping and our capturing Drac and of Five killing Bray.
Yes, he knows of the removal of my legacies – however temporary or permanent.
Yes, he knows about the toxin in my system that will kill me in 13 days.

But there was one thing I have not told him.

My failed attempt to die.

I don't know why I haven't told him that; I just haven't. It might be as simple as not wanting John to worry or it might be more complex. I just don't know; and I don't want to think about it.

I'll tell him eventually, but not now.

Right now, I just want to forget.

I want anything that will allow me to feel something else apart from the pain and emptiness and despair.

And I wanted John to give me that anything. After listening to everything I've been through in the timestamp of less than a day, he didn't seem to mind.

For it was I that stripped down to my undergarments first to get out of the dirty mud splotched clothes I was in. Changed into pajama pants and a plain white tee, I decided against clothing my upper body for the time being and climbed onto the bed next to where John laid shirtless in his black boxers with the lit fire emoji icon spread throughout.

"I needed time with you too. I have missed you so much. I dreaded if anything bad happened, but had no way of finding you," he responds, rubbing a hand over my cheek, down my chin, and to my neck. "But shouldn't we talk about this?"

"We can talk about it tomorrow," I insist for what feels like the twentieth time, cuddling in closer to him under the blanket so that I can feel his warmth as if his Lumen is activated. "I need this right now John. Please?"

John obliges with a soft and long kiss on my lips. From my lips to cheek to neck to my bare shoulder. John kisses all 'round. I have my eyes closed for the majority of it all, simply wanting to feel his touch in mine. Except when I want to see him and kiss him in return.

Under the covers, meshed together like peas in a pod, to ensure that no air passes between us. A bond strong and unbreakable and all the warmer with delicate passion.

There we lie. John and I.

Falling asleep in the others' arms and our hearts beating in sync in the chilling temperatures but warm atmosphere of our room.

And there, I rest at absolute peace. 

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