Part Two: The New Medical Director Cometh

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I'm dog tired...


Maybe Lauren was onto something. I did message the guy back and it just snowballed from there. We stayed up until 4 in the morning messaging each other. Simple discussions on worldly topics and getting a slight overview of each other's personal goals and aspirations.

He informed me that he was newly single because he works too much and his pregnant wife had been tired of him putting work before their life. He said he should've slowed down and gave up his career like she did so they could be good parents to their first child. He also admitted that the baby was sort of a last resort to keep them together. Unfortunately, he strives to provide for his family and instead has lost it. Though I don't necessarily believe in leaving your pregnant wife- if she doesn't need you or want you around and seems to have no passion for you- then why resign for misery?

I wouldn't give up my career for anyone. Even if I was pregnant and my husband or whatever wanted me to stop and do the whole house wife thing: it wouldn't happen.

I shared a bit of myself with him. I told him about my inability to move on from my tragic loss. I told him how I have lost my passion for doing the things I love and I even confessed that at this point in my life- I really don't look forward to much. That the excitement and adventure has left me.

I thought I would be judged- honestly- but this guy- he seems to get it. He seems to understand my pain and internal suffering and struggle. Walking towards work with my luggage this morning, I have to run to the Dam before heading out for Meghan Kelley and Vail. As I approach the hospital, this man in shorts and a sweatshirt races passed me and nearly topples us both over. He stops momentarily and I simply wave him off without taking a second glance. People are always in a rush. Run in a park or near the pier- not in the middle of the walk!


Making my way up the Dam steps, I enter the atrium and head to Pain de Vie for coffee. Ironically, Lauren is there waiting for me.

"You look tired...what have you been doing all night? Sexting?" The woman behind the counter looks between me and Lauren and I order my Espresso.

"Enough..." I growl low in my throat.

"So you were talking to him?"

" shut up."

"Huh, I don't know why you get to skip out on the mandatory meeting for yet another new Medical Director." She switches topics, sensing my disdain for the current one.

"Because I'm above it. Besides, funding! Vail!" I gloat and she rolls her eyes.

"It's not fair that all the other department heads have to go and you don't."

"Fill me in. I'm sure it'll be absolutely thrilling." Sarcasm has become a second language for us. I never used to be so sarcastic and now it's more of a problem.

", you gonna send MG43MD a photo of yourself in Vail basking in the sun, right?" Of course she pings back to that topic.

"It's Colorado- I highly doubt it. Besides- I like that he doesn't know what I look like."

"Why? You're sexy. You're fierce! And in the right outfit, your ass could kill." The Barista- Ella- looks at us curious and hands us our drinks.

"Thank you."

"No problem, um...Dr. Helen, I love your shows- I have all of them recorded. Could I get..." She hesitantly grabs a napkin and I take out a pen.

"Of course, always happy to meet a fan." I sign and she smiles widely. Lauren rolls her eyes.

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