Part Fifteen: Hold Onto Me- Tight

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The Gala is halfway over and Kapoor and I have been finally figured out was is wrong with a father and son, who don't get along and yet take a trip every single year: even though it is always miserable.

I'll never understand things like that.

Yet again, I'm making Max do the same thing with Georgia. Making him make the decision to include her in his cancer treatment even though he has expressed many times that he doesn't want her too.

We haven't talked since I walked out of his office yesterday. For all I know, the stubborn arse has decided not to tell her and there for doesn't want a relationship with me. Who could blame him. A bossy woman putting his happiness at risk all for the sake of his wellbeing.

God- I sound like a monster.

Don't I?

Sarcasm once more.

"Why are you not going to the Gala?" Vijay asks and I look at him curiously. Usually, I'm the first dressed and there because I so arrogantly schmoozed the most money from the billionaires with my star status...since the medical directors always ended up wasted or absent.

"I'm not interested."

"Really, because you usually are there swindling money for the Dam."

"Though you're not wrong in my skill set- I will say that I'm backing away from fundraising." His eyes widen and then he smirks as he checks the the vitals of the father as I reset a new saline drip on the son.

"Interesting? Does this have to do with Max?"

"No. I want to be a respected physician. As it turns out, when doing constant on air appearances- you slowly lose credibility. I'm a real doctor, despite what the world thinks. I studied at Cambridge and NYU and have several accomplishments that many my age have not. Yet, I've squandered that respect and hard work for status and fame. It's repulsive and I wish to change that." I say and go to step out of the quarantine cube. He follows me out and we de-glove and mask.

"You've fled the path for so long- but that does not mean you did not work hard and had no respect. True, many tv doctors who represent the profession do not give justice to the the facts and they feed into what the media wants them to say. But I have seen your programs and in each one you provide only the facts and have never swayed to the temptations of politics and bias masses." It's nice to have Vijay on my side. Typically he keeps to himself. Ever since his wife passed, he has been grouchy and cut off from everyone. Since Max started he's slowly come around and is actually more social than ever.

"Thank you, Vijay. It means a lot to have you say that." He bows his head and we start looking through their charts. "Vijay, when you were younger, did you ever think that you were making good choices and then realize maybe they are mistakes?"

"In life we all make choices and there is no definite good or bad. There is what you perceive as good and what others perceive as good. Same with the bad. Sometimes we have to make those bad choices for the greater good." He puts his hand on my arm and smiles. "Trust in yourself, Dr. Sharpe. Now- I have to get dressed."

"'re going to the Gala?" It's been years since he's gone. After his wife died- he stopped going and it's sad.

"Yes...I tried giving Ella my tickets, but she thought I wanted her to go with I don't want to let her down."

"Aw, you're so sweet. I hope you have a nice time." He bows his head again and leaves. Pulling up a chair, I sit and watch our patients and just think about everything that's transpired between Max and I.

I push him towards his Ex Wife because he still loves her. I know he does. Whether or not they get things fixed doesn't really matter. He's going to be in her life and she his. That's just how it goes. I have the feeling that even if they don't get together now- after Luna comes, it'll just be a magnet between them. Max will slow down and Georgia will catch up and it'll be the best compromise. How can I not cheer them on?

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