Part Sixty-Two: Sleigh Bells Ring

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***Saturday, Dec. 21st***

The weeks have gone by quickly and between the chaos of the holiday mayhem Emergency Visits and dealing with my own personal problems: Max and I have been doing very well. The dogs have also recovered from their traumatic experience with Akash- who has been given a restraining order from the Dam and his wife and I- she has taken him to court and their trial has already been going strong.

Today, is moving day for Max!

Today, he moves into my house so that he is closer to me as the days of chemo and radiation wear on him.

Grabbing a box from Iggy's van he let us borrow- I carry it downstairs to the basement and set it along the wall by the three other boxes of his possessions. He had contacted Georgia and stated he was ready to remove himself from her apartment.

To which she replied, finally.

It hurt. It hurt him bad.

Which, I don't understand, because she was all kind and nice and on board when they went to the lake a month ago. What changed? He's been bending over backwards for her. Sending her money- though she never asked for it. Sending her her favorites healthy desserts among other items for comfort. Maybe it's just her trying to convince herself she doesn't need him. Or maybe she really is just a heartless cunt I don't care for. Whatever the reason, I'm not looking forward to going over there after this last box.

Arms wrapping around me and face in my neck giving me soft gentle kisses, my stomach churns wildly.

"That was the last of it." He voice raspily says as he kisses me.

"Now we have to go to Georgia's."

"Huh...yeah- but she was kind enough to box everything for me."

"How thoughtful." I try not to sound bitter, but it comes over too easily. He turns me in his arms and his tired bagged eyes loom down at me- a macabre air about him.

"I know she hasn't been the kindest..."

"You're absolutely right. After all you do for her, she wants to act like...."

"I know, Helen. I know, but she probably is just going through pregnancy mood swings."

"I love that you're trying to excuse her crude behavior, but I'm sorry Max- I find it appalling how she's treating you. If I was her and everything happened between us the same as it has you and her- I would be grateful for your support and care even after you are no longer bound to me. You're too kind." I place a hand on his bearded cheek and feel my heart twist. Lately it feels like we're back at the beginning- as if this is a new relationship and all our feelings are enhanced from adrenaline and excitement.

"I know you're right..."

"Thank you." I cut him off and he just smirks.

"But I just feel bad Christmas is this week and she and I won't be celebrating it together." Nodding, I understand his feelings. I really do, but I have a bad feeling I know where this is headed: he's going to ask her to spend Christmas with us and I am absolutely against it.


For him.

And only him.

Will I look passed my disgust for that woman and allow him to ask her over.

"What's on your mind?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Would...would it be weird if I invited her to our Christmas Dinner?"


"I think that would be very thoughtful of you."

But you shouldn't do it.

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