Part Fourteen: Putting A Foot Down

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All night we worked and the results couldn't have been any worse.

Jalen Pagan died in his room after successfully making it through surgery. His heart gave out. Max read us the article about the Dam. It told the truth and didn't spare the details of how life is fragile and not all miracles last. Going to Max's office, I know he's taking it hard. Knocking on the door, I come in and he turns partway around and smiles at me sadly.

I ran the tests on his throat to see if any bigger. He's been having a sore throat for days now and we're both worried for the worst.

"The tests for your...Nutella...came back. Everything looks fine." I lean on his desk across from him and he smiles weakly before shaking his head.

"I need to stop calling it that. It's not Nutella. I should start being honest...with myself at least."

"I wanna have a baby." He looks up at me- knowing this information and yet stricken by me saying it out loud. "But I'm on the wrong side of 35 and if I want any chance of having one- I have to go through drastic mood swings and body changes and that's if it even works. I don't know why I'd want to do any of that. To bring a child into this world- a brown child. There are a million reasons not too."

His eyes cast downward and he sighs deeply.

"But the only way to save life- is through death."

"There's a word for this."

"Surrogacy." I say and he shakes his head.

"Hope." Pushing off the desk, I walk over to him and curl my body around his. He rests his head on my shoulder and snuggles in close.

"I've decided..."

"Have you? That was fast." He quietly says and kisses my neck. I pull back and look up at him.

"If you're still offering...I would love to have your baby." His smile grows wider and he pulls me back in.

"Let's do this thing."

"Phhh..." Rest my forehead on his chest, I feel amazing and yet worried.

"Let's just hope they have your dance moves...because I have none."

"Haha, that's the least of my worries." His hands slide up and down my back and he kisses the top of my head.

"Tomorrow night is the Fundraising Gala."

"Yes. I know."

"Want to be my date?" I look up at him and would love too, but how complicated it would be.

"Max, you just got divorced. Don't you think it would look bad of you showing up to an important fundraiser with one of your department heads and not your pregnant wife. No one else knows you're divorced so I think their suspicions would be raised a bit."

" think I should ask Georgia?"

"I mean you're still living on her couch and you want to stay on her good side. Don't you think it would be nice of you to still do something like that?"

"Well...she is better at these kind of things than I am...I'd rather take you..." Putting my hand to his cheek, I wish I could, but it would do more damage than good.

"I know...and I would love to go..."

"So come with me. Let me see you in a sexy dress that I can take off of you afterwards. Maybe have some fun in the coat room." Rolling my eyes, I squeeze him tightly and shake my head. "Guhh...fine."

"I'll tell you what. You go and schmooze the rich bastards of New York and afterwards, you can come to my place and show me your moves." I seductively say and his hands move southward and grip my rear.

CoffeeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora