Part Thirty-Three: Stress

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From the words of William Shakespeare:

The world's a stage and all the men and women merely players.

In this act, we find the young heroine drained of all hope and happiness as she faces losing her friend by her own hand.

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Last night, telling Max about Lauren was horrendous. I felt as if someone punched me in the gut. It was as though my shadow had come up and stabbed me in my abdomen over a 100 times. Going home alone last night only added to it.

Walking down the main hallway today, I find Max coming towards me and my whole body trembles.

"Sharpe." He says casually as we stare about the people walking by.

"How are they?" My voice wavers and my hands shake slightly.

"She's with Iggy right now." This isn't good. This is the part where I lose Lauren even more because now they are doing something about it. They are addressing the elephant in the room.

"God...I feel so sick."

"You did the right thing."

"I don't feel like I did the right thing. As a doctor, yes, sure. But as a friend...I betrayed her."

"No, as a doctor and as a friend- you did the best thing for her. 100%." Reaching out, he takes my hand in his and holds it gently. "It'll be okay."

"You don't know Lauren like I do. She's never going to talk to me again. I lost my best friend." Lips quivering, I feel as if my bones are about to snap.

"She's going to get help and she'll understand and forgive you. Yeah, she may be mad right now- but soon enough she will thank you for it." Shaking my head, I pull from him and head down the hallway. He doesn't understand. "Helen....Sharpe...."

I just keep walk and begin checking on patients even though today I want to curl up and hide inside my bedroom closet. The world just darkens around me, the air thins and my body becomes heavy. Clinging to the wall, I stop momentarily and close my eyes trying to regain what little strength I have inside me.

"Dr. Sharpe...fancy seeing you here....are you okay?" Opening my eyes I find Akash Panthaki stand inches from me, his hand on my upper arm.

"" Mentally trying to regain myself, I push off the wall and he removes his hand.

"I was just stopping by to see a patient...I was going to stop by your office, but you weren't there and your floor nurse said I could find you on this floor so..." I stare at him as if he has three heads and is from outer space. "I realize how creepy that sounded and I regret it. Should've just acted like it was a chance meeting."

"Yes, well, that would have been preferred." I state and begin walking.

"How's Max? I know he's technically not in my trial, but..."

"You're quote right. He's not in your trial."

"You're rather defensive today."

"Yes!" I snap and then stop walking, a few people looking at me curiously. "I'm sorry. I'm very stressed at the moment and this whole day already seems to be too much."

"How about we take a walk in the fresh air to clear that for you."

"I don't think I should."

"Why? Don't trust me?" He coyly asks as he keeps his stride in line with mine.

"Considering you originally threatened Max's treatment due to the fact I wouldn't go on a date with you...that's more than enough reason not to trust you in my book." Nodding, he grins and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

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