Part Sixty-Six: Eric and Olivia Goodwin

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"Well this is a very lovely home." A female voice echos from my hallway.

That is most definitely not Max.

"Yes, it is. I love these hard wood floors." Bentley and Sophie jump off the couch and race to figure out who the female and masculine voices belong too.

"Oh! Hello!" The woman says- Bentley must've scared her slightly.

"Bentley, Sophie- go lay down, babies. It's alright." Max reassures them. Getting up, I mute the tv and sneak a peek around the corner, but wait just a second before making my appearances I fix my hair and pat down my jumper. "You're gonna love her- she's the best."

He sweetly says and I poke my head around the corner. Six eyes meet mine and three smiles pop to their faces.

"I thought I heard the door open." I kindly say and step out. "Good evening, I'm Dr...."

"Helen Sharpe- nice time meet you. Maxim has told us all about you on our ride over here." The woman extends her hand graciously and I take it. "I'm Olivia- Max's mother and this is his father- Eric."

I shake both their hands and look at Max. I wish I wasn't in such a casual state- considering they all look put together nice.

"Please, do come in. You must be freezing from the snow. I'm terribly sorry. I wish I knew Max was bringing you by- I'd have had coffee brewed and sweet bakes for you." I apology and they both smile and wave me off.

"Oh, it's perfectly fine. It was all sort of last moment. We sort of sprung it on Max when he brought you up at dinner." My eyes flick to Max and his smile only grows.

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart- I know your British hospitality is very important to you. I should've called." He apologized and I shake my head and lead them into the dining area.

"Oh, that's alright, Max." He comes over and puts an arm around me and smiles warmly at his parents. "May I get you something to drink? Coffee, tea?"

"Max says you are a scotch kinda gal." Eric says with a slight southern twang to his voice. His gray hair and mustache are the only thing making him look slightly different than Max. Other than that, they would be twins. His mother's long brunette hair is neatly styled and brown eyes glisten in my fluorescent lights. She looks young and radiant. She can't be any older than 65 at best.

"Haha...did he?" Looking up at Max- I hate that he mentioned I drink. You never know how people will perceive you. "I don't indulge very often...but if that's your kind of drink- I'm sure I have some in the den, along with various wines and bourbons."

"That would be perfect, if you wouldn't mind." His father sweetly smiles and I nod and bite my lower lip slightly.

"Not at all and for you, Ma'am?" (Her accent makes it sound like Mum) I ask and they all sort of look at me for some reason. They eyes shocked and eyebrows raised- Max bites his cheek and blushes and Olivia doesn't know what to say.

Did I say something offense?

I think about it for a second through their minds.

"Oh...Terribly sorry for the accent. I said Ma'Am. As in Madam...not Muhm. I have that terrible British dialect." I apologize and they laugh.

"Here I always thought the young kids in movies were claiming all the women as their mother. Haha" Eric has a deep bellowing laugh that fills the house and it sort of warms my heart a bit. His mother taps his father playfully on the chest and grins, blushing slightly from embarrassment.

"Haha, no, it's just the pronunciation." Smirking at me, Max squeezes me into his side and rubs his hand up and down. Rather touchy tonight isn't here. "Right this way, then."

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