Part Eighty: An Unwanted Gift

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Walking passed the security desk across from Pain de Vie, I notice Max coming off the elevator. Yesterday proved fruitless in getting Max to accept that I am tired of the fighting back and forth. We ate quietly after his last snappy comment and left with a very short goodbye.

He must not have liked my offers.

Like I've said a million times- he is a proud man and does everything in his power to maintain the appearance of one.

"Hey! Sharpe!" Turning I find Max coming up behind me and I smile just as I turn back. I shouldn't be happy to see him. If he's going to remain mad at me then I might as well stay out of his way. "I should really learn to accept a gift when it's so kindly offered. Smirking slightly, I turn and look at him.

"Yes, you should." I say kind of short and to the point. He smiles and follows me towards the stairwell. "How was your night- you seem tired."

"Well, screaming for 6 hours straight can really affect your sleep cycle." He says as he yawns with Luna attached to his chest.

"Certainly this little Munchkin didn't do all that." I reach over and touch her hand and she smiles at me and Max just stands awkwardly.

"She's a champ. Thought the sleepless nights were over."

"Ironic, how she's like her father- where she's only happy inside a hospital." I say happily and he scoffs.

"Her father is happy in bed with at least five hours of sleep." He states clearly as he sets his coffee down on the lid of a trash can to adjust his baby backpack. He starts to walk again and forgets his coffee. Grabbing it for him, I follow him and he stops once more and is now looking for his coffee. "Where did I...."

"You're a hot mess." I say as I hand him the cup. Smiling, he takes it and we enter the stairwell.

"At least you said I'm hot." Scoffing, I flick my hair in my pony tail towards him as I climb the stairs.

"You sure you don't want me to take her for a bit so you can nap when you get home?" I ask and he stiffens. "I can even watch her at your place until you get enough rest- it's no problem."

"No. Its alright. My house is a hot mess."

"Then you can sleep at my house- it's no big deal." We climb the second flight of stairs headed to Pediatrics.

"Seriously, it's fine."

"Why won't you let me help you? You just said you should learn to accept a gift when offered."

"Yes, but I don't need a babysitter so I can sleep." Getting to the landing on the second floor, I stop and look at him.

"You know, one of these days you're going to wish you took me up on my offers."

"Then one day I will. Just not today."

"You better hope they don't have an expiration date then." Scowling, I climb the stairs and he remains at the Ped's door.

"Where are you going? Luna's going this way."

"You don't need a babysitter, remember? So I'm going this way." As I get a few stairs up, I hear him sigh heavily.

"You're mad at me again?"

"No." I stop and look at him. "I'm just frustrated you won't let me help."

"You're not my girlfriend." Turning to face him fully, I look down the steps at him and tilt my head slightly to the left.

"No. I'm not. But last time I checked- friends can help each other out as well...but nice to know my friendship means very little to you in the ways of trust and companionship." Heading up the stairs once more, I leave him there and as I get closer and closer to the fifth floor- I still don't hear the door open to Ped's. He's stuck there. Thinking about what I just said. Brooding on it. He doesn't trust me with Luna. Why?

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