Part Twenty: The Improbable Dream

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Walking to Max's office door, I knock and then slowly open it. Inside, I find him having just pulled up his jeans to button them.

"You should really lock the door when you change." I say as I shut the door and walk over to him. He looks at me and I grab at his pants waist band and he stills.

"I would say I'd be really upset because you didn't wait for a response...but I can honestly say, I like this." Buttoning his pants for him, I zip them up and reach for his shirt off the arm of the couch.  Taking it from me, he pulls it on and just looks at me. "How'd your day go?"

"Just did the final preparations for tomorrow."

"I really want to be apart of this. Can't we push my surgery back to...." Raising my eyebrows to him- he knows I'm not going to go for it. "Huh...fine. No more pushing it off."

"You can be there for the prep and then I'm shipping you off to remove those molars. I hope you stalked up on soup because you won't be able to eat solids for a while." I say and he tugs on my hips.

"Can't I just blend pizza with a bit of extra sauce to make it drinkable." I try to pull back and he won't let me as he kisses and nips at my neck.

"That is bloody disgusting..."

"It's just liquified pizza... it's no different than solid pizza."

"That's a lie and you know it. Once it's blended it looks...I can't even talk about it."

"So....I shouldn't continue with my plan for Pizza Milkshakes for dinner tonight." I nearly gag in my throat thinking about how odd the color and how the texture would be. "I'm kidding...please don't get sick."

"Just the thought of it....uh....let's just not bring it up again. Please..."

"Alright." Leaving another kiss on my lips, he releases me to grab his jacket and we leave his office. I've never been to his apartment. I don't know what to expect except that it will most likely be packed with things in boxes. "Talked to Lauren today."


"Yeah, she told me she found Casey on Tinder and swiped right on him." I look at him a bit shocked if I'm being honest. Casey and Lauren are work husband and wife- but also on the same level as bro's- meaning they have each other's back for life and just dick around. The thought of them dating is not only bizarre...but kind of expected at this point.

"Wow...I'm glad she's giving it a try....if he swipes right on her that is."

"I believe she is trying our method of unknown mysterious person."

"But he's going to know instantly it's her. Lauren is not very good at keeping secrets and she definitely comes across on every platform as her sarcastic self. He'll immediately know." We walk from the atrium and out to the walk. He leads us up town towards my home, but we make a turn a block before. If I would've known he was this close- it could have saved some issues we've had previously. Then again, he was staying at his old apartment with Georgia after everything happened with the baby. Looking up at him, I wonder if when the baby comes- he'll still want to be with me? Sometimes people change after a life altering thing happens. Today he may want me and in five months he may not. Who knows?

"You okay?" He catches me looking at him and I look back in front of us.

"Oh...yes. I'm fine." Without saying anything he takes my hand and everything heats up and my stomach flutters. This is the first time in public we've ever held hands and even though it's such a little thing- it's a big moment for me.

"You're blushing...are you thinking naughty things over there, Sharpe?" My cheeks burn even more and I shake my head, looking towards the stores- since he's walking near the edge of the street. Did he do that intentionally because he's a considerate gentleman or did he just happen to be there?

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