Prt 113: Blown Away

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I've sat in the waiting room for nearly an hour. The babes are sleeping against me- but I need nappies and food for them. Standing up, I go to the rest room and thankfully, they have a baby item dispenser. Inserting some change, I get two nappies and a small pack of wet wipes. I lay Ben down and Luna wakes up.

"Munchkin, Mummy needs you to sit here. Okay?" I set her on the small child's seat and begin changing Ben. He briefly wakes up and holds his hand out for me to kiss it and I do. When I get him changed, I set him in the seat and buckle him in it so he doesn't fall off. "Come here, Lu."

Picking her up, I change her diaper quickly and toss the old ones. Inserting more change into the machine, I buy three more diapers and another pack of little wipes. Unhooking Ben, I pick him and Luna up and I walk back to the waiting room.

"Are you Dr. Helen Sharpe?" A security guard comes up to me and I look at him. Readjusting the babies on my hip I nod. "Can you come with me?"

"What's this about?"

"This is in relation to the man you brought in-Max Goodwin." He starts walking off and I follow him quietly. Please don't tell me Max did something stupid. He leads me to administration and has me take a seat outside a conference room. Looking around at the faded blue walls and brown industrial carpet, I feel sick to my stomach.

"Dr. Sharpe?" A woman in a lab coat comes out and looks at me, smiling at the babies in my arms.


"Please, come in." Getting up, I follow her in and she gestures for me to have a seat. Ben and Luna are far from happy about still being held and I can barely keep it together to try and keep them on my lap. "I have toys in the corner if you would like to put them down."

Nodding, I let them down and they go towards the bright colored toys without a second glimpse around the room.

"Dr. Sharpe, I'm Dr. Cassandra Golan. I'm the head of psychology here at Princess Grace. How are you doing?"

"Well, I just watched my boyfriend try to kill himself, so not too good."

"I understand. We understand that Max is from the States. Is that correct?"

"Yes, New York- originally."

"And you treated him back there?"

"Yes." She nods and makes a few notes before continuing.

"I called you in, because while talking to Max he mentioned some very disturbing things that I would like to address. Now, also, while speaking to Max, I got in touch with his psychologist- Dr. Ignatious Frome?"

"Yes, Iggy is a very good friend of ours." She makes a note and then looks up at me- watching me closely.

"Dr. Sharpe..."

"Helen, please."

"Helen, has Max ever physically hurt you?"



"No, Max has never hurt me." I state confidently and she raises an eyebrow.

"Because he and Dr. Frome just mentioned that he quote 'raped you out of anger and frustration'. Is that true?"

"No, it's not true. Max is depressed and coping with the loss of his wife and all. If there was sexual assault- I would have contacted the authorities."

"If it's not true, why are two people- one being the perpetrator- saying that he did in fact sexually assault you?" She asks and I roll my eyes, cross my legs and arms and just stare at her. God I haven't been this closed off since I left the Dam.

CoffeeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora