Part Sixty-Eight: Faults

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***January 27th***

While December proved to be a trying time for Max and I- January I must say smoothed itself out rather easily like linen under a hot iron. With his Chemotherapy and radiation still plaguing him terribly: I've watched him slowly backslide each day into that slower more frustrated Max he was on the 24th of December. Though he refrains from outwardly verbally accosting people- it hasn't saved the items of his office any. Opening his door, I am thankful I am able to close the door just as quickly as he has thrown a small vase at it- causing it to shatter over his carpet. Reopening the door and looking down at the shards of blue glass strewn across the industrial gray carpet, I look up at him and find an apologetic look plastered on his pale bearded face as his knit cap slides off his head slightly.

"Didn't like the arrangement?" I joke to ease him and he hastily comes over and wraps himself tightly around me and pushes his face into my neck. Rubbing his shoulders and base of his neck- I heard through the grape vine that Georgia stopped in to talk to Max today. By this reaction: I can only assume it didn't go very well. "Darling? How about me sit...okay?"

He just squeezes me tighter and tries to bury his face deeper into the crook of my neck. He's wobbly and shakes ever so slightly. This morning as well he was very unbalanced. Nearly fell coming up the stairs to ask me a question.

"What happened? Hmm....?? Can you talk to me?" My voice is ever so quiet as if anything louder would scare him off.

"She told me she's going to move back to Connecticut. Said that once she can get the apartment sold- she's gone whether the baby's here or not. She doesn't want me around and doesn't care if I'm able to be in Luna's life." How horrid. Georgia is seriously going through some sort of hormonal bipolar issues. One moment she wants Max around and the next she doesn't. It's not fair and frankly it's not helping Max and his treatment. But then again- she doesn't care about him and his feelings.

Now does she.

"I'm done..." I say quietly and pull from him.

"What?" He looks at me and I shake my head.

"Did she just leave?"


"Good. Stay here." I remove him from my body and he just looks at me scared and worried.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm putting this stupidity to bed." I leave his office and hustle down the hall towards the atrium. It doesn't take me long to find her walking towards the exit. Thankfully there isn't many people in here so it won't be too much of a scene. But I'm giving her my mind. "Georgia!"

As I call her name, she slows down and turns to look at me. Her face is flamed and her mouth scowling strongly towards her chin.

"Great." She scoffs and I get a foot away from her.

"Is everything alright?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Of course he's sending you after me."

"He didn't. I came because I just found Max: the sweetest most caring man in the world- rather upset and destroying his office after you just left. So, if you wouldn't mind explaining to me why you're making everything so much more difficult on him and his current mental and health status?" I try not to get loud or abrasive, but it comes out slightly.

"Phhh....I make a decision that upsets him and I'm the bad guy."

"Georgia, you told Max the other day that he could come over and see you whenever he wanted and keep his stuff there. That he could be involved in the babies life. Now today you say the exact opposite and that your moving with zero intent of letting him be a father? I don't understand." Brows furrowing inward she narrows her eyes and then laughs slightly. "What's so funny?"

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