Part Nineteen: We Need to Talk

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The walk into the Dam this morning is an annoying one.

Last night was by far the worst one in ages. Having to watch Lauren and Max gawk at each other.

On the other hand she seemed to only make him irritated- not so much charmed. But I'm sure it lead to a much better evening after I left. They probably went back to her gigantic penthouse on the upper West Side and fucked until they fell asleep.

"Dr. Helen Sharpe!" Great. Come to thank me no doubt. I don't turn around and in moments he catches up and hands me an Daphne's espresso cup and a paper bag.

"Delivering specialties to your staff members?"

"On my favorite ones." I don't bother blushing. It's pointless.

"Have fun last night?"

"Not particularly..."

"Shame. I guess I should've left sooner." We make it to the elevator and thankfully we're the only ones in it.

"I think you may have some kind of mental problem if you think you not being there would have made it any better. Which by the way, you're welcome." I look at him and raise my eyebrows.

"For what?"

"Where do I start? Going to coffee with Lauren- for one. Two, defending you several times last night...which you really need to learn to answer your phone. I was worried last night and sat outside your house for a few minutes trying to figure out if breaking in to make sure you were okay would end in me getting arrested or not." I look at him and the elevator arrives on the fifth floor. We get off and make our way to my office.

"It most definitely would have." Getting into my office, I start setting my stuff down and he shuts the door behind him.

"Helen, I honestly don't understand you. Two days ago we were happy together and yesterday yours trying to get me to date your best friend. What is going on?"

There's a knock at my door and Max opens it.

It's Lauren. When she sees Max, her cheeks linked and I want to just throw up.

"Oh! Max...what are..."

"We need to talk....all of us." He looks between her and I and Lauren walks in per his request and he shuts the door. He gestures to my couch for her to if he owns my office and makes the rules. She does as he suggests and looks at me. "Care to join us?"

"I'll pass, thank you." I say and sit down at my desk. Shaking his head, he comes around it and pulls my wheeled chair out and brings me over and sits me in what is now an odd triangle.

"What's going on? Helen?"

"Yes, Helen. What's going on?" Max repeats after Lauren looks between us.


"Lauren, your friend here is having some problems."

"What kind of problems?"

"Well for starters she's stubborn and way too selfless for her own good." Furrowing her brows, she looks so confused and he continues. "Lauren- I'm Tinder Guy."

Her mouth slowly drops open.

"Yes, hard to believe. I know."

"Helen...why didn't you tell me?"

"I have to start work- if you don't mind." I go to stand and Lauren raises her voice.

"Sit down. So you two have been seeing each other...since...." It's connecting with her. She sits back and her body relaxes: melding into my couch. "But Helen, why didn't you just tell me?"

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