Part Fifty-Nine: Test

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***Two Weeks Later Dec 15th***

It's been rough to say the least.

It took a while for the cramps to subside and the nausea to dwindle, but finally it has. I'd been working with Iggy and his friend Melvin to get the dogs trained and ready.

Melvin was quite impressed by their empathy and intuition. It seemed- when put through testing (simulations where I would breakdown)- the dogs responded in the best manner before Melvin could even really say anything. Today, is the big test. Iggy says that sometime today- at random- I'm going to be faced with a challenge. He said I should try my best to overcome the urge to breakdown, but if I can't he wants to see how the dogs react.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm on edge about all of this. I don't like surprises and he never actually said who would be doing what and God only know where I could be when it happens. However, having the dogs beside me makes me feel slightly better knowing that no matter what- if I shut down or not- they will be there.

Iggy knows several actors and people in the community and they are all very well versed and committed to their jobs. I'm certainly not the first patient of his to have an actor confront them in some kind of manner.

I remember a few years ago, he had a young woman who was deathly afraid of male children due to some horrific event. Iggy has one of his many contacts show up to this woman's house- mind you, she knew which day she would be tested so it was entirely out of the blue- but the actor went up with a scenario of being lost and needy and his patient, though at first hesitated- eventually over cane that fear to help the small boy.

I wonder if Iggy would send someone to my home? I hope he doesn't do it if I'm at the store or some other public place. The hospital is one thing- public public is a whole new problem. Although, the biggest problem is if he makes the actor be someone I know- like Max or Reynolds or even Vijay. I feel if someone I know and care about does the unfortunate act of torturing me: I feel this whole thing would only set me back.

Walking to the Chemo Lounge- Bentley and Sophie in town, attached to a belt leash around my waist, I enter and my Euchre group smiles. Max is sitting with them surprisingly and when they see me and the dogs- they go wild nearly.

"Awww!!! I was hoping I wouldn't miss these cuties!!" Millie happily says as Bentley rounds Max's chair and gives her a big sloppy kiss. Sophie immediately jumps up and onto Max's lap. scratching her ear, Max smiles and then looks up at me.

"How are they doing so far. I see the belt is pretty handy...or handlessly handy." Smirking, he looks at the group and they shake their heads.

"It is very helpful. No one's tugged me down the stairs yet, so that's a bonus." Bentley lowers his head and then comes back around the table to see Big Mike.

"Hey, Man. What you doin'? Huh? You being' a good boy? Yeah, you are." Bentley jumps up and into Big Mike's lap- despite being a 75 lb full ground dog. Mike just laughs and hugs him sweetly.

"Bentley James- you shouldn't be up there." I scold him gently and he puts his head down and forward again and then looks at Willow, who tries to sneak him a piece of her carrot.

"He's just a bit baby. Look how gently he takes the carrot and mindfully eats it. My aunt's dog would swallow the thing whole without even a taste."

"They are very well behaved- despite jumping into people's laps." I say looking at Bentley- who once more lowers his head and wags his tail slowly. "Max, how are you feeling. You're abnormally quiet today."

"Stauton is killing me with this chemo schedule. Can't you..." I look at him, eyebrows raised and straight expression on my face. "Right..."

"I know it's hard to adjust, but you're doing very well with showing up and sitting down." I bend down at kiss his forehead. The groups 'ooos' and he rolls his eyes as I laugh slightly. "I suppose I need to keep going on with my schedule. Just stopped in to check on everyone."

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