Part Ninety-Eight: A "Date"

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Sleeping in this morning, I feel awesome....okay....maybe not so awesome.


"I cannot believe you hogged the bed all night last night."


"It's a king sized bed- how did you manage to hog all of it?"

Definitely ordinary.

"You could have left when we finished up last night." I say and roll over, now purposefully positioning myself smack dab in the middle of the bed. Brown eyes glaring at me, I smirk and scoot closer.

"Well listen here. I'm not one to just do a job and then not spend the rest of my night actually sleeping. Leaving would have been a waste of a good night." Snuggling into my pillow more, I have the entirety of the middle and right side of the bed now. "Scoot over!"

"Okay." I back up closer and now my arse is touching their hip.

"Grrr. You're so infuriating!"

"You said to scoot closer and I didn't want to disappoint, Darling." I say charmingly and growling insures.

"You're gonna knock me off the bed. Come on- it's only 9:30. We could still be asleep if you would stop acting like a brat." Rolling to face them, I wrap my arms around their bare torso and place my left leg over their pelvis, the silky basketball shorts gliding smoothly against my thigh. "Oh my God! Stop touching me!"

"Hmm, you weren't complaining last night when we snuggled." Pushing my face into the crook of their neck, I tease and punish the best I can. My phone goes off.

"Aren't you gonna get that?"

"And miss this? Absolutely not." I state. Pulling from the bed and padding against the floor, I'm left by my lonesome in the bed.

"Hello? Yeah, she's here. Yes. Let me get her up for you." Tossing the phone at me, it hits me in the spine- which hurts like crazy.

"Ow! Bitch!" I roll over and find Lauren smirking and walking into the bathroom, while flipping me off. Grabbing the phone, I hold it to my ear. "Hello?"


"Mum?" I sit up and push my hair over my shoulder. My camisole sinking low on my chest and rising up my stomach, I tug it down and climb out of bed- readjusting my baggy pajama pants as I go. "What's wrong? It's 1:30 your time. Is everything okay? Is Dad okay?"

"Yes, yes. Your father's fine. I just wanted to call you about your brother's wedding next weekend."


"Yes. I told you before you left."

"Mum, that's entirely false. You never told me. I didn't get an invitation or notice: how was I supposed to know?" It's frustrating living with a mother who forgets which kid she told what too. You would think being her only daughter that she would remember she told Winston or Jack and not me: but I guess not.

"I most certainly did. You're in the bridal party. So you need to be here no later than Friday night."

"I DON'T HAVE A DRESS!" I yell and Lauren pokes her head out while brushing her teeth.

"Yes you do. I ordered one with your measurements." I could kill her.

"Who all is in the wedding party?"

"Well it's you and Henry. Winston is presiding over the ceremony. Got his license online apparently- I don't know how it works, but your brother didn't want to get married in our church- which I guess is just bloody brilliant because he's sinning anyway. Oh, how are you doing by the way? How's everything with Max?"

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