Part Eighty-One: A  Dry Cappuccino

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Walking across the West Hall of Radiology, I am unsurprised Max has tracked me down.

"Excuse me..." He says to someone as he pushes through the door to follow me. "Helen! Hey!"

I turn and look at him briefly and roll my eyes before continuing on with my walk.

"I just happened to get you a cappuccino, dry."

"Thanks. That's $3 dollars knocked off you debt." I bite and take the cup from him.

"How many more do I have?" He questions.

"You mean to pay off my ridiculously generous- non refundable- cleaning service that I sent to your home and you rejected?" Scowling at him, I keep moving forward and he's right there at my heels.

"That's the one."

"123 more to go."

"What if I make it a double? A triple?! Listen, I'm sorry. It was a very thoughtful gesture..." I interrupt him.

"Yes it was.."

"It was very appreciative. Will you please accept my apology?"

"Uhh...God." I groan.

"Please? I'm really sorry." He begs and slowly gets in front of me and walks backwards.

"Yes. Fine."

"Thank you!" His hand lands on my elbow and I stop.

"Are you ever gonna tell me why you threw my ridiculously generous gift to the curb?" He stops and looks at me before half turning.

"I just...Uh...I don't want strangers in my house...right now." Walking off, he leaves me there with the cappuccino and a flame burning my belly. I'm on my way to get Dr. Questa so we can talk to my patient Liz, who has a spinal sarcoma removed 10 years ago. Unfortunately, it left her paralyzed from the waist down after having a metal plate inserted into her spine. She contacted me a few days ago complaining of discomfort in her lower back. Luckily, her cancer is gone- but the plate had shifted. Dr. Questa is an orthopedic surgeon and one of the best by far.

***5:34 p.m***

So this was a shit storm.

The retired Dean of medicine covered up a very big malpractice that involved the surgeon who put Liz's plate in. Max and I had run through file all morning and visited the ex-Dean- to make sure he had no idea of it- but he was an accomplice to the surgeon- who fled Westward to practice.

After telling Liz, you can bet she wasn't the least bit interested in our apologies or the way we wanted to make it better. She's ready to sue and we can't blame or not will we. Though she isn't suing us per say- she is going after the surgeon and ex-Dean of medicine. On top of that, I worked with sisters- one of which was trying to be a surrogate for her sister and insurance didn't want to pay, but thankfully Max helped me figure that one out as well.Gathering up my things, I start to get ready for my next patient and Max steps in with Luna strapped to her chest.

"Good work today." He states as he leans against my door frame. We haven't talked about anything but the case today. He's been distant and contemplative for the most part. I sip on a scotch I poured myself to celebrate.

"Thanks, you as well." Smiling, he goes to leave and then stops himself.

"I talked to Valentina this afternoon." Oh shit. What did she say to him. "She said she like my direction. Says I'm getting closer to remission."

"Oh...that's great! I'm so glad." Smiling wide, I look at him and his smile sends my stomach flopping about.

"Thank you."

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