Part Thirty-Nine: Well Then, There's That

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Walking upstairs, I open the door to Max's apartment and wander in. Max is in the kitchen grabbing a cup of water and Henry is politely sitting quietly at the island.

"Everything alright?" I ask and Henry smiles at me.

"Just getting a drink." He states and I watch Max. His demeanor is all off. His posture is slouched and he seems just closed off from the world.

"Max...." I say and he turns slightly and gives me a fake smile.

"I'm fine. " He blandly states as he sips some water. "You two can go. I'm fine really."

"Actually, I think I'm gonna head out for a walk. I'll meet you back at your home, Helen. Max, I do hope you feel better soon. Hopefully, I see you tomorrow before I head to my hotel." Henry stands and exits the apartment. I turn to Max and he's leaning against his counter, drinking his water and just staring off into his empty space.

"You want to tell me what's really bothering you?" I ask as I lean against the counter opposite of him.

"He's perfect...and he sure likes you a lot."

"You thinking about what you said yesterday with all your jokes?" Sighing, he puts his drink down and goes to the window where he watches Henry meander down the street on his phone.

"Yeah...they're not so funny today." His voice is between tired and serious. His sagging posture exposes his sickness and jealousy.

"No, and they weren't funny yesterday either. Max, I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you not him. There's no reason to be jealous." He turns around quicker than shit and glares at me.

"That's where you're wrong Helen. I have every reason to be jealous of him. He's perfect. Rich, charming, funny, fun to be around that's for sure, handsome, ripped- there's so many reasons for me to be jealous of him."

"Yes...he is all those things, Max. Deservingly so considering the torture he went through as a child. But if you haven't noticed he's out there alone and I'm here with you." I come over and put my hand on his upper arm.

"I see the way you both look at each other. The way he touches you and how you don't pull away. Deny it."

"Hmm..." I scoff and roll my eyes. He's right and he knows it- but can't admit. "This conversation is ridiculous."

"You don't deny it because you can't."

"You're absolutely right. I can't deny it." I state and he just stares at me- a mixture of anger, frustration and sadness on his face. "But Max, what you fail to realize here, is that those looks and touches mean nothing. If I wanted to be with Henry- don't you think I'd be chasing him down right now?"

"They may mean nothing to you, but they mean everything to him." He walks away from the window and I grab his arm.

"You're implying I want to be with him?"

"I'm implying that from the second he walked into your home- you have not once mentioned to him that we were dating and therefore, he has not censored himself respectfully."

"I...I said it."


"When I introduced you two." I did...didn't I?

"No, Helen. All you said was this is Max. Not this is my boyfriend Max or this is Max my boyfriend. You simply said this is Max. From there on out, you made it quite clear what you want."

"An oversight, but..."

"It's not an oversight, Helen. Yeah- I can see how at first introduction we were both taken aback by his overall appearance. But as the day went on and the conversations persisted- you never once mentioned our relationship."

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