Part Twenty-One: Feeling More Than Bargained For

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I don't know how we managed it, but by some Grace of God, Max and I both managed to stay on the twin mattress all night. It's not the best mattress in the world- even if there was one less occupant- it doesn't even touch the high bracket of comfort like my California King does.

Yet, there's something about sharing such a small space all night- forced to have your arms around one another- that brings about a sort of romance to it all.

That is of course unless one of the two snores like a freight train.

But I digress.

Rolling around in Max's arms, well before our alarm clock, I open my eyes to find him already gazing at me. A small smile comes to my face and without a single word we both start laughing. Resting our foreheads against one another, we laugh until our sides hurt and until Max of course needs oxygen.

"You snore like the London Tube Station." I say and he shakes his head, gasping for air slightly.

" snore like a tug boat coming into the harbor." Feigning being shocked, I try to pull away and Max just holds me tighter.

"If I'm so loud, let me go..."

"I like tug boats though. They're fun to ride." He winks and smirks. All I can do is laugh some more and press my pouty lips to his thin ones. We lay on the same pillow and it's a wonder we survived the night without pushing the other off. I'll admit, I am quite the bed hog- hence the California King. Even by myself I still manage to be all over the place doing the starfish all night. Last night was the first night we've spent together where we didn't have sex. I feel like that's a milestone.

You know how some couples just fuck for the first five months of their relationship- not really participating in anything but sex. After a while you dwindle off and find it not as fun or satisfying as before because it was so constant that now the whole relationship seems boring and over used. That's when you typically find couple breaking up or drastically making the decisions to move in with each other in hopes of finding that original spark they squandered on their sex-capade.

But I'm not bored of Max and we have hardly over used sex in the this passed month.

But this relationship feels natural. More natural than any other one I was in. All previous relationships I had to try hard to either keep myself interested and make my partner feel I really enjoyed them or I had to sacrifice pieces of myself that the other didn't care for and/or would have judged me on. With Max, I feel like I can relax and let him take the wheel. I don't feel I need to micromanage or change every little thing about myself or this relationship. Granted- I've caused quite a few bumps in our road the passed three weeks, but still. I'm enjoying Max to the fullest...I just sometimes wish I knew what he truly felt about me. Sure the compliments are nice and the intimate touches leave me weak in the ankles, but what's really going on in that skull of his?

"I hear you thinking from here." Shaking myself a bit from my thoughts, Max is propped up on his elbow, leaning forward kissing my neck and jaw. I hardly noticed his transition. Looking up at him, I'm flat on my back and even though I'm in one of his t-shirts, I feel exposed. I don't know why I'm feeling so bashful right now- it's not like we haven't seen each other naked and haven't had sex. Yet I feel that embarrassed, exposed feeling right in this moment. My cheeks burn, my stomach churns, and my mouth is drier than the desert.

What's wrong with me?

"You're blushing again." He says with a hint of arousal to him. "Anything you want to share, Dr. Sharpe?"

Shaking my head no, I try to find some amount of moisture for my mouth and try my very hardest from letting my breath catch in my throat.

"I think maybe you need a check up." He teases gently and slides his left hand down my right side of my body, his hand gliding with every curve of my body. His thumb grazes my breast and for a moment I feel faint.

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