Part 110: Punisher

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He stares at me as if I'm insane.

"Punish me...make me feel as horrible as you do. Please."

"No...don't think that's what I want."

"It is what you want, Max. You've been the nice guy for too long. You've taken shit from everyone. You've been hurt, abused and you're angry and upset: which you should be. You out of anyone in this world- deserves to let out some of that pain you've been carrying around for years." He furrows his brows and looks at me. "All the pain from Georgia- you've endured. All the pain I've caused you: I'm sure there's others out there. Max, I'm begging you to make me feel what you do. Relieve that pain. Rid yourself of it. I want you to punish me for all I've done."

He shakes his head and stands up. He goes to grab his boxers and his hard member brings a Sharpe pain through his groin because it wants to be relieved. I stand up and look at him squarely in the eye.

"Punish me."

"No. Just get dressed and sit down or something." He angrily says. This is what he needs. He wants it, but he's too polite and sweet and kind to take advantage of the opportunity m. I step in front of him and grab a hold of him by his hot hard erection- I squeeze slightly.

"Punish me."

"Dammit Helen- stop messing around!" He yells and expects me to shutter and pull away- but I don't. I stand tall and firm and keep hold of him.

"Punish me."

"Jesus Christ- stop!" He booms and flowers down at me. "I'm not a sadistic asshole who wants to hurt you!"

"Punish me!" I quietly yell at him and he snaps. He grips me hard by my shoulders, and forces my hand from him. He growls and quite literally pushes me onto the floor. My heart races and he paces angrily and watches me-expecting me to cry or runaway. I don't move. I don't cry. "Do it!"

"Fuck! What is fucking wrong with you!?" He yells at me. I look at him and he continues to pace like a tiger in a cage- angry and ready to be released.

"Do it again!" I prompt and he pulls at his hair. "Show me how much I hurt you! Make me feel it!"

"Grrrahh! Fuck!" He angrily yells and before I can even blink, he has me flipped onto my hands needs. He forcefully shoved himself in me and my eyes widen at the unsuspected thrust. He pushes down on my upper back- right and the nape of my neck  and holds me down into the carpet as he thrusts his way into my sex over and over again. His jagged boney hips slap hard into my arse and all I can do is grip the carp. Tears spring into my eyes involuntarily as he angrily shoves himself in and out of me. Without a word, he pulls out of my sex and painfully pushes into my arse- the only thing keeping the immediate friction away is the juices from my sex on his member.

"Ahh!!!" I gasp out. It's been years since Mo head me down and took advantage. Max aggressively thrusts into me- a beast taking what he wants painfully so. My knees slowly give out and now my body is flat on the floor. This only gives way to his hard cock pushing harder and harder into me as he forces his weight down on me. His rhythm is fast and hard. I force my tears back down. I'm not upset with Max. I want him to do this. To make me hurt- it'll never be enough to equal his pain, but maybe it'll help just a bit. I just want the old Max back. My Max.

I wish I could see him fully- but I know why it isn't like that. If he sees my face, he'll force himself to stop. This way- I can be anyone. Georgia, me- any other woman who's hurt him.

"Ugghh..." He grunts hard and pulls from my arse and pushes back into my sex. "Mmghh..."

He's hitting me in the perfect spot- but I don't allow myself to cum. This is isn't about me. This about him healing. His hands pull at my hips aggressively. He continues thrusting his pointy hips into me.

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