Part Ninety-Two: Thursday's Teeming Trials

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Max had left last night without a word. He gathered Luna and his things and left me laying in my bed contemplating the meaning of insanity.

Insanity: v/n. Definition: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

According to this definition- Einstein's definition- I am insane.

I always say I'm not going to let Max back in and then I do, only to get hurt and then let Max back in and get hurt and then let him in and then get hurt and so on and so forth. It's like the author of my life's story wants to depict me as mad.

Mad as in-insane.

Walking into work...okay, limping into work today-in sneakers of all things- I make my way to my office painfully slow. My arch of my right foot hurts so bad I could cut it off and it would feel better. On top of it, my arse also hurts with each step, let alone to sit. I'm in loose- and I mean near falling off my arse loose, yogas and a baggy sweatshirt that wouldn't press hard against my bruises or show the fact that I'm in fact not wearing a bra. Now my breast are no where big enough to need a bra technically, but in society, it's only polite to wear one.

I look like a hot mess today. I look like a bum.

"Nice threads." Iggy comments as he comes up behind me.


"Going to go speed walking around the hospital with the grannies? Do you need my fanny pack?" He jokes and I just keep hobbling forward.

"Funny. Very funny."

"Seriously though. This isn't like you."

"Yes well, I'm only stopping in to grab my laptop so I can work from home today."

"Why are you limping? He asks and we step in the elevator.

"I stepped on a huge piece of glass and then fell into the pile of it on the sidewalk just up town."

"It went through your shoe?" Shaking my head, I sigh heavily.

"I didn't have shoes on. Bentley learned how to open the front door last night and I frantically chased him and Sophie a few block and ended up stepping on glass." As I reiterate my story- the elevator opens and Iggy is quietly taking it in as we exit to my floor and I hobble my way to my office where the sign man is already tearing away my sign that says head of oncology. Sighing even harder, I excuse myself passed him and unlock the door. Iggy follows me in and I go to my desk and unplug my laptop and shove it in my purse before grabbing the plug and a few files I need to look over.

"Wait, why are they taking your sign?"

"I've been demoted."

"What! Why?!" He exasperated you asks.

"Because I did something that was illegal in the eyes of the law, but did so to save my patient. Your country has a funny way of doing things. Hypocrites all of you." I state before heading back out the door. We start back down the hallway and Iggy mindlessly follows.

"So when you say demoted, you mean just as head right? You're still going to be Deputy Medical Director."

"No. They took that too. Funny how society tends to be greedy like that." We make our way to the elevator and he just shakes his head.

"What did Max say?" Of course that's his next thought.

"He wasn't pleased with the boards decision. He wanted to haul off and give them a piece of his mind and fight to get my titles back." He smiles as we press the button and wait.

"I'm not surprised he's going to help you..."

"I told him no."


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