Part 107: Hello, It's Me

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Standing about six feet apart, with only the springtime wind coming through- we just look at each other for a long time. My heart pounds heavy in my chest and my knees feel weak. His smile is subtle, but it's most definitely there. I don't think his eyes have even dropped to Ben or Sophie yet- mine certainly haven't went to Luna- only for the mere fact that I'm shocked to the heavens that Max played me like a damn fool for weeks now.

"He's beautiful, Helen." That's the first thing out of his mouth. Nothing angry. Nothing sorrowful. No poetic words. Just 'he's beautiful'. It takes me a moment to register that I need to open my damn mouth and say something.

"Thank you..." It's very quiet and is an in between tone- confused and yet content. In a matter of seconds, Luna comes wobbling over to me- walking. Sophie is going nuts: pulling from the stroller as far as her short leash will take her, I reach down and unhook her from it and she happily races around the little girl and Luna just laughs and stumbles around to try and pick her up. "Munchkin..."

Eyes darting to me, she refocuses as she giggles and bunny hops her way over to me- crashing her little body into my legs and rubbing her face back and forth against my upper thigh. Locking the stroller with my foot, I kneel down and grab a hold of her tightly. I shake a bit and tremble- so happy to see the little girl who stole my heart.

"I...." She says happily in replacement of hi.

"Oh, baby girl....hi....I missed you...." Becoming slightly emotional, I squeeze her tightly and rock from side to side. Sophie is now at Max's feet hopping up and rolling over for a belly rub and just excitedly going between both positions until Max picks her up. She plasters is face with kisses and whimpers slightly- over joyed to have her favorite person back. Luna snuggles closely to my chest and plays with some braids. Placing kisses on her forehead, a few tears quickly escape my eyes and I brush them away with the back of my finger. "You've gotten so big, my Munchkin."

Max slowly comes over and kneels in front of Ben in his stroller. He has a small smile on his face and Sophie leans over into the stroller and kisses Ben several times.

"Hi, must be Ben." He reaches out slowly and takes Ben's tiny hand in between his fingers and rubs his thumb over the back of it.

"Uh-baby?" Luna says sweetly and my eyes light up.

"Yes, Lu. It's a baby boy. His name is Ben." Luna pulls from me and wobbly walks over to the side of the stroller and looks at Ben.

"I- baby." She touches his cheek and Ben flaps his arms up and down happily, but doesn't make a sound. "I!!!!"

Getting up, I go to the stroller and pull Ben out of it and sit on the grass next the tree.

"There's a blanket underneath, if you want to grab it." I say and Max nods before grabbing the blanket and spreading it out. Sophie lets her zoomies out in small circles around Luna, who happily chases her until she gets dizzy and plops down on her butt. Setting Ben down, he immediately crawls across the blanket and goes to Luna. He watches her, curious of this new being he's never met before. "He's never played with anyone close to his age-
Lest a girl. I only have nephews."

I state. Max goes over to the wagon and grabs two cups of coffee and sits next to me, watching Sophie zoom between both sets of grabbing hands. He hands me one and it's a Black Eye.

"Thank is everything?" My voice is meek and I'm embarrassed. How could I not have known I was talking to Max? You'd of thought I would have known. Maybe I thought there was no way it would be him, so I dismissed any thoughts that would lead me to assume it was.

"Good...I mean, as good as it can be." He tries so hard to sound happy and positive. According to Lauren- or what she would give away freely- Max has been depressed and moody- and more or less stopped fighting for what he wanted to get done at the Dam. Just gave up like a dog with no fight left in him.

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