The Yule Ball

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(Celia pov) (Christmas)

I was sitting at the breakfast table with a fit of nerves in my body, my knee was bouncing as I read my book; but I couldn't keep myself focused enough.

"Merlins beard..." I grumbled as I started the sentence again, I took a bite out of my bacon sandwich and then turned the page with my finger.

"Someone's nervous," I heard from behind me, I look up to see George towering over me.

"I'm not nervous," I told him quickly but he gave me a knowing look, "...okay, I'm a little nervous actually," I admitted.

"What's up?" George sat beside me and I sighed as I placed my potions book down and then faced him.

"I have a test today that I haven't..." I placed my sandwich down and then I cleaned my hands.

"You didn't study for it?" I nod my head as I covered my face with my hands.

"I was so tired that I didn't give myself a chance to read." I told him.

"Hey," he took my wrists and softly pulled my hands down so I'd look at him, "you are a very smart girl, Celia, you got this." He assures me and I smile.

"Thank you," I look at his hair and then smile as I fixed it, "and for tonight, I'll be seeing you at seven, correct?" I asked him.

"Definitely seven," he told me and I smile.

"Can't wait," I say and he chuckles.

"Neither can I surprisingly," George said to me, I glance at his tie before shaking my head. I undid his tie and he watched as I fixed it for him.

"You did it wrong, were you in a rush this morning?" I questioned the long-haired ginger as I flatten it.

"No, just half asleep and not wanting to go to class today," George replies, "you didn't even bother with your own tie." I look down and then facepalm.

"That's what I forgot," I say in annoyance, I saw Susan jogging down towards us and she looked at George in confusion before she handed me my tie.

"Stupid, you left this on your bed," she told me and I chuckled as she sat down beside me.

"Thank you, love," I say as I started tying my own tie. "Merlin, I hope Professor Snape forgets about the test today or I'll be doomed." I say and then my breath gets caught in my throat as I felt George touch my knee.

"You're going to be fine, you're a smart witch," he told me once again in an assuring way.

"Thank you, George," he smiles before standing up and sitting with Fred on his own table.

I spun around and grabbed my book and sandwich as I started eating and reading.

"So you're not going to even..." I look at Susan as she motioned me to move over, "mention what just happened?"

"Shush," I whispered.

"Do you have a new perfume?" She asks me.

"Huh?" I reply, "no, why?"

"You smell different, wait." She points at me and I swatted her finger, "you smell like raspberries!"

"Oh shut up!" We both laugh. "I keep telling you I like raspberries, leave me alone."

"I also know you like the taste of them, if you know you what I mean," she wiggles her eyebrows at me and I shoved her face away from me.

"It was accidental, leave me alone," I told her quietly.

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