The Burrow

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(Celia POV) (seventh year)

I was in the kitchen cutting up onions and other vegetables since I asked Molly if I could potentially make some pies or other pastries.

She was thrilled that someone else was making food other than herself so she of course agreed.

I heard the thundering sound of footsteps race down the stairs before they stop suddenly.

I glance over my shoulder and then took a second glance to see a trunk and a bird cage with Hedwig in it.

"Hello Hedwig?" I mumble in confusion before looking up even more to see Ginny staring at the owl in utter confusion.

"Mum!" Ginny shouts.

"What is it, Ginny? Is it your father? Has something happened at the Ministry? Has he been kidnapped? Is it the Death Eaters?" Molly blurts out in worry.

"Exactly. How'd you guess?" Ginny jokes to her mother, I snorted at her reply before shaking my head.

"I'm joking, Mum." Ginny assures her quickly with a small nervous chuckle, I heard a sigh of relief from Molly upstairs while using my knife to scrape the chopped onions into the pan.

"You're worse than Fred and George." Molly said as she looks down at her and I grinned.

"Now you're joking. I was only wondering when Harry got here." Ginny told her mother and I stopped what I was doing and put the knife down.

"Harry? Harry who?" Molly asks her.

"Harry Dimpleton." Ginny said sarcastically to her mother, "Harry Potter, of course."

"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?" Molly said from where she was standing upstairs. I walked towards the staircase and lean against the railing.

"Well his trunk's in the kitchen. And his owl." I told Molly, "maybe he's here?" I cross my arms as I stood beside Ginny.

"I seriously doubt that." Molly told us.

"Maybe they got here before he did," I suggest with a small shrug.

Just then, Hedwig screeches and Ginny gives her an 'I-told-you-so' look when another door opens and Ron looks down.

"Did someone say Harry?" Ron asks and we looked up the stairs.

"Me, nosy. Is he up there with you?" Ginny asks him.

"'Course not. Think I'd know if my best friend was in my room, wouldn't I?" Ron remarks at Ginny.

Another door opens in the house and out comes Hermione in a robe, with a toothbrush in hand. "Was that an owl I heard?"

"Harry's. Haven't seen him, have you?Apparently, he's wandering about the house." Ginny asks Hermione.

"Really?" Hermione asks.

"Really." I grinned as Harry walked into the house, Ginny spins around and saw Harry standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Harry!" They all shout in joy as the others rocket downstairs, Ginny gives Harry a great grinning hug. The others arrive and gave Harry a hug as well.

"But why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Molly asks as he gave me a hug.

"Didn't know." Harry says as I let him go. "Dumbledore." Harry simply says.

"That man. But then, what would we do without him?" Molly asks us all.

Ron is about to touch Hermione. She retracts her neck and gave him a weird look.

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