All Good Things Come To An End

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(16 years later)

(Celia pov)

"Right, Freddy, you first," I told him as we stood at kings cross, he looks at me and fear struck his eyes.

"Come on, moron," Susan grabbed his arm before lining him up with his trolley, "run at the wall, I'll be right behind you," she told him.

"Okay..." he looks at his sister before nodding as he then looks at us.

"You got this kid," George crosses his arms with a big grin on his face, Freddy grins back and I swear I saw a flicker of Fred in him.

"Off you go!" I shout and Freddy nods as he did a small run up and disappeared through the wall, Susan went after him straight away.

I grabbed George's hand and we smirk before running through the wall together.


"Okay, so, what you're going to do now is find one of the workers and take your pets with you on the train." I told them both as we walked together and I point.

"There's one," George said as we helped them with their luggage. Freddy and Susan took their cages, Susan had a cat like I did, Micky was a cute ginger and grey tabby cat.

Freddy had an tawny owl and named him Winston, he was a beautiful owl and really funny when he wanted to be.

"Ready you two?" I asked them as they look up at us, "your robes are in your carry-on bags, whatever house you get in, be proud of it." I told them both as I cup both of their faces and smile.

"We love you Mum," Freddy says to me before giving me a hug.

"Yeah Mum, we love you." Susan said as she hugs George, she was a daddy's girl, but she would curl up with me and read at night time.

"Oh, and don't get into too much trouble," George told them and I just laugh at George before standing up.

"Tell Professor Longbottom that we say hi, by the way," I told Susan especially, she loved my Herbology books.

"Is he a friend of yours?" She asks me.

"One of my best friends," I reply and she nods, "he's the herbology teacher, I'm sure he'd be happy to have you as one of his students, Anna."

"I can't wait," it brought a smile to my face as she grins at me.

"Go on, don't you want you to miss the train," the Hogwarts express toots its horn and I kiss both their heads as Susan hugs me and Freddy hugs George.

"See you on the holidays," George said to them, "and good luck, we love you."

"We love you too," Freddy grabs his sisters hand and they wave as they walked together with their trunk and got on the train.

"Don't cry, Celia," George said as I pout at them as they got into a compartment and wave at us through the window. I wave back as George hugs me to his side.

"They'll be okay," I say to him, "I know they will, they're our kids, I bet... Peeves would look after them," I giggle as tears fell down my face, my children were going to Hogwarts to learn from the best.

"Of course, he will, they're Weasley's," he grinned and I laugh before watching the train go as all the first-years scream in joy as the train rolled, they shout to their parents and we wave together at our own troublemakers.

"Bye mum!" I laugh, "bye dad!" George smiles as they now have disappeared from our sight.

"What do you think?" I asked George, "about their houses."

"Gryffindor," he told me, "Freddy is definitely a Gryffindor."

"I think Susan's going to be either a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff," I say, "she's too smart for her own good."

"Just like you," George smirks and I smacked him one on the arm, he only laughs before I look up at him, "you're so small, it's cute."

"I'll bite you," I say with a small playful squint of my eyes.

"So cute," he smiled as he leaned down and kissed me.

"I'm not cute," I told him as he stares down at me.

"That's true, you're bloody gorgeous," I just roll my eyes with a small smile on my face.

"Okay, shut up and stop staring at me," I told him and he just grins at me.

"But I love you," my face was getting hotter the more I stare up at him, "awe, look at that, you're blushing."

"I hate you," I say before grabbing his hand as we walked away together to leave the platform 9 3/4 to go home.

It finally comes to an absolute end to our story, but the torch has been passed on to live a new legacy of a fear-free era in time where Voldemort can and will never return to strike fear in our hearts.

The second Wizarding war is over now, we're free from devastation and heartache; it feels good to live in a world of peace, than a one in darkness and fear.

Only time will tell how that legacy plays out, whether they use their talents for good or for evil... but know this: no matter how how long you've gone, how long you've walked or how much time has past...

you'll always return home in the end.

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