A Death to Remember

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(Celia pov) (a week later)

I gasped as I sat myself up from the Hufflepuff common rooms couch. I look outside, it was darker than usual out there and I didn't know why.

"Somethings wrong..." I whisper to myself as I snap my book shut and get off the couch. I knew where Dumbledore and Harry were, Dumbledore told me earlier this week where he planned to take Harry to obtain an item.

"Where are you going?" I heard someone ask me but I ignore them as I grabbed my jacket and left the common room.


McGonagall stands in the courtyard as the sound of the choir drifts on the night air.

She glances up to the sky, a curious expression on her face, then spies a pair of First Years straggling across the courtyard.

"To your Houses. No dawdling."

As they scuttle off, McGonagall looks back to the sky. A correct of clouds were swirling eerily in on themselves.

"McGonagall?" She looks at me as I too stare at the sky.

"What do you think, Miss Malfoy?" She asks me quietly as we just stare in confusion but also with unease.

"Something's wrong, but I don't know what... it's making me feel..."

"Weak?" I solemnly nod to McGonagall as we continue to stand in the courtyard together.


"I like the hair colour miss Malfoy," McGonagall says to me and I glance before smiling faintly towards her.

"Thank you."

"McGonagall?" She looks at me and then we look back at the sky, the emerald light appears and the dark mark has returned to the sky's.

"We need to go," she says and I nod my head and ran with her. My eyes shut for a moment.

'Snape held his wand up as Dumbledore remains defenceless. "Avada kedarva."

"He's dead— he's going to die, McGonagall, he's—," I sobbed as I grabbed McGonagall by the arm.

"Who?" She asks me, "who did you see?" I couldn't answer, "tell me Malfoy!" She shouts.

"Dumbledore, he's— he's," McGonagall stares at me as tears fell down my face.


"Tower." She nods and we made a run for it.

Ron, Hermione and Ginny stand with the staff. They turn and watch the throng of students part for Harry and Hagrid as they made their way towards Dumbledore's lifeless body.

My hand was covering my mouth as I just numbly stare down at him; my tears didn't stop flowing. McGonagall has her arm around my back as she rubbed my arm with a small, soft hushing coo.

Hagrid stops short as Harry pushes on and kneels. Dumbledore's eyes are closed, his face looked peaceful.

We watched as Harry straightens his half-moon spectacles and wipes a trickle of blood from his mouth.

Harry runs the back of his hand, gently, over the weathered cheek as he mourns for Dumbledore.

Then he begins to cry, Hermione gives Ginny a nudge and she steps forward and drops beside him. At her touch, his head falls on her shoulder and she begins to stroke his back.

McGonagall lifts a trembling wand to the sky and slowly the top of her wand glows to life. One after another, students and staff do the same, lifting their wands in salute.

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