A Posioned Weasley On His Birthday

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(Celia POV)

"Malfoy, I thought you'd want to come with me," I was rushed down the hallway by Hermione as we ran into the hospital wing to see a knocked out Ron weasley.

"What happened to him again?" I ask Hermione as she sat down beside him.

Harry, Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, Ginny, me and a somber Hermione circle Ron's bed as Madam Pomfrey ministers to him.

Slughorn sits off to the side, chair, looking stunned.

"Quick thinking on your part, Harry. Using a Bezoar. You must be very proud of your student, eh, Horace?" Dumbledore questions him.

"Hm? Oh. Yes... very proud." Slughorn replies.

"I think we all agree that Mr. Potter's actions were heroic. The question is: Why were they necessary." McGonagall asks everyone.

"Why indeed." Dumbledore takes the half-empty bottle of mead, still bearing a bit of gift wrap.

"Hope you're okay, Ron," I say quietly.

"This appears to be a gift, Horace. You don't by chance remember who gave you this bottle, do you? Which, by the way possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry when not polluted with poison."

"Actually I had intended to give it as a gift myself." Slughorn told Dumbledore.

"To whom might I ask?" Dumbledore questions him.

"You, Headmaster." We look at him in confusion, my head started hurting as I flutter my eyes closed.

"He kept talking about this and how he's giving it to the old hag, it's 'bout time I finish my mission."

I just gulped as I opened my eyes, it was Draco who poisoned the drink. Just then the door burst open to see Lavender Brown.

"Where is he? Where's my Won-Won!" She cries.

"Oh good god," I groan as Ginny wrapped an arm around me while I held my head.

"Fucking won-won." I muttered and Ginny held her laughter back as I grit my teeth so I don't burst into paralysed laughter over it again.

"Has he been asking for me?" She asks before Lavender stops and glared
daggers into Hermione. "What's she doing here?"

"I might ask you the same thing." Hermione said as she slowly rose from her chair.

"I happen to be his girlfriend." She stated hastily.

"I happen to be his... friend." Oh no, this was not going to go down well at all. Where is the popcorn when you need it?

"Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting." I roll my eyes and then look at Harry.

"Why?" Is all I ask Harry, "tell me."

"I don't have an answer," he mutters to me out of the corner of his mouth.

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! And for the record, I've always found him interesting." Hermione frowns as she is a bit embarrassed. Ron snorted before stirring.

"Ha! See? He senses my presence." Lavender said, I roll my eyes again.

"He's not a dog, you bloody lunatic," I say to Lavender.

"I'm here, Won-Won. I'm here—"

"Er... My... Nee... Er! My! Nee," Ron, in a haze, reaches out blindly. Blushing, Hermione takes his hand. Instantly, he falls unconscious again. Lavender, vibrating with rage, stalks out.

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