A Surprise For a Malfoy

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(Celia POV) (a week later)

Mornings were tough, so were afternoons... everything was tough when you're alone or even with another person.

I've been knee deep in papers, not that I had to be, I'm at the top of all my classes and I get the job done... but I've been putting myself in grave danger by not sleeping and eating again.

"Tom... Tom.. Tom..." I muttered with crazed eyes as I found an article about Riddle. "Yes, this is the one." I told myself and then started reading it.


Article after article, book after book... I had as much information as I did when I was first told about Tom Riddle.

"Maybe I should just do some real school work," I told myself as I swipe my wand and all that I've borrowed was flying back to its rightful places.

"Or have some breakfast and clean up," I heard from behind me, I look over my shoulder and then sigh.

"Yeah okay," I got out of my chair slowly before pushing it in, I grabbed my book bag and left without another word.


"And she's alive!" I heard someone cheer as I sluggishly sat down beside Jackson and rest my head on his shoulder.

"And she's dead." Jackson smirks before motioning me to open my mouth, I did what he asked and he shoved a forkful of food into it.

"Chew it," I obliged and sat myself up as I chewed my food.

"Here," I was handed the hot jug of coffee along with the sugar and milk.

"Bless you," I told Susan as I made myself a hot cup of coffee and placed it all back down.

"So, what were you doing in the library for two nights in a row without getting caught?" Justin asks as he put his chin in his hand and grinned at me.

"Studying," I reply vaguely.


"I don't remember anymore," I say to them honestly, "I'd read and then it'll slip away, it's maddening," I told the small group.

"Well, you have the afternoon off, why don't you relax outside and get some vitamin D in you." Susan suggested to me.

"Sure, why not?" I told her while I put some food on my plate and started eating.

"You're looking better already," Susan told me while we walked outside together.

"Thanks, Susan," I say to her and then we sat down in the courtyard beside each other as Susan scribbled her notes down from Divination.

"What a load of hocus," I told her, "that subject is stupid."

"And yet you see things before they happen," she remarks sarcastically.

"I don't do it through a crystal ball," I told her.

"So, why don't you like the class?" Susan asks me curiously.

"Because it's been taught backwards, and because it's boring enough to put my nan to sleep... even though she's dead."

"Terribly boring," I heard someone say from behind me.

"If you ask me, I think I'd rather kiss Snape then listen to that rubbish all over again." I shot myself up and turned around to see Fred and George grinning at me.

"Oh!" I cry as I hop through the pillars and tackled them into a hug.

"Oh hello!" I heard them laughing at me as I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I slowly let them go and sniffled.

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