N.E.W.Ts and O.W.Ls

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(Celia POV)

"There it is," I whisper while casting the lumos spell.

"You are a legend, you are," Fred whispered to me.

I just roll my eyes while handing over the keys to the broom closet at the quidditch pitch.

Their brooms were magically chained in Unbridge's disgustingly pink office, the boys and Harry had been banned (till Umbridge's fat ass leaves the school) from quidditch for life all because of a fight between Draco and his stupid big mouth.

"You better be careful, Madam Pooch might be out there," I told them.

"Good luck," George said as he softly stroked my cheek with the knuckle of his finger.

"Hey, I'm sure I'll be fine... it's her who needs the luck," I smile at them and they grinned in reply.

"We all have detention to go to, remember?" Fred said to us, I just deadpan.

"Great..." I grumbled, "let's go boys."

We sat in a deadly silence, all hating this witch as we wrote with blood quills she handed out with an innocent smile.

The ticking of the great clock echos as we wrote uncomfortably, I hiss in pain as the words: 'I must not tell lies' were scratched into my hand.

"What...?" I whispered, this was the eighth time this has happened to me, the words healed and then cut itself back open as the words got deeper and deeper into my hand.

I heard someone shift in their seat so I look.

It was a fifth year Ravenclaw who was staring down at her hand in horror, her face pales at the sight.

These blood quills were disgusting, taking blood from a child unwillingly to write lines... and the ministry approves this disgusting behaviour?

I felt tears unwillingly fall down as I kept writing, the words stinging more and more as the wound kept being cut back open after it straight away heals itself.

I must not tell lies

Blood dribbled down my hand and wrist.

I must not tell lies

It was getting worse, the blood kept dribbling, smearing as I wrote on the page.

I must not tell lies

My hand was trembling from the agony, it looked exactly like my handwriting, it was joint up neatly... I wish I couldn't write like this, it was making it unbearable to keep a straight face.

I had my eyes covered with my hand hidden as I sat against the wall, detention exhausted me, I wrote seven pages worth of pain.

"What's your name?" Fred asks a first year who was sobbing in pain from their detention.

"Michael." He manages to whimper out.

"Your hand's gonna be fine, Michael." George told him assuringly.

"Yeah. It's not as bad as it seems. See?" Fred and George were one of the most caring people I've ever met.

"It's fading already." George told Micheal.

"You can hardly see ours anymore, and the pain stops after a while." The clicking of someone's heels brought our attention towards them. The sight of pink made my blood boil.

"As I told you once before, Mr. Potter, naughty children deserve to be punished." Umbridge said, I saw Harry and he looked at her in disgust as she giggles while walking away.

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