The note at the end is important so please read it

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Y/n's pov

"Oh yeah, early in the morning these two were being so cute and sweet to each other," Bokuto says. "You guys shoulda heard it."

"Bruv, what are you talking about?" I ask.

"You were scared to go to the kitchen because of the dark," he says.

"What? I'm not scared of the dark," I say. "Bad bitches don't feel fear, only swag."

"No, I heard it," he insists. "And Tsukishima even called her cute."

"Maybe you're hearing things," Kei says. "Y/n being awake in the morning? Yeah, that'd never happen."

"I want to believe it... But Y/n will run out into the middle of the street, I find it hard to see her being afraid of the dark," Kuroo says.

"No I heard them," Bokuto says. "I did, she couldn't sleep and she wanted him to go to the kitchen with her to get water."

"Nope, you're hearing things," I say. "Because I would never ever do that."

"Yeah, does she even drink water?" Kenma asks.

"Kenma, we all know you live off of monster and mountain dew," I say. "So be quiet bro."

"Anyway, Y/n definitely slept the whole night," Kei says. "Or else she woulda dragged me off to watch tv with her."

"You two are playing mind games with me," Bokuto says. "And I'm gonna go insane."

"Just eat waffles Kou," I say. "It's in your best interest right now."

"Where did these waffles even come from?" Kuroo asks.

"I found them in the basement," I shrug. "In the deep freeze, so I just repressed them in the waffle maker."

"I don't think that's what you're supposed to do," Akaashi says.

"Well... there was nothing else I could do because I'm not allowed to use that many kitchen appliances," I say. "But if you just put a lot of syrup you can get past the freezer burnt taste."

"This tastes like what Kuro makes," Kenma says. "But the difference is he actually tried."

"Kenma, don't call me out like that," Kuroo says. "How was I supposed to know baking isn't exactly like chemical formulas?"

"Kenma, do you wanna watch Shit-ling today?" I ask.

"I'm not giving the cat back," he says. "I'm keeping her."

Note to self, find Kenma a dumpster cat in order to get mine back.

"Shit-ling is my dumpster cat," I say. "You can't keep her, I'll have a breakdown and start sewing beads into my skin."

"Okay," he shrugs. "Doesn't affect me."

"What are you doing today?" Bokuto asks.

"Kei's taking me on a date," I say. "We're going ice skating, and he's gonna teach me how."

"Since when are we going on a date?" he asks.

"Since I decided two seconds ago," I shake my head. "Get with the program."

"And why ice skating?" he asks.

"I want to get a pair of ice skates," I shrug. "And I've never been before, so you gotta teach me."

"And what makes you think I can ice skate?" he asks.

"Kuroo, Tendo, and Matsu can all skate," I say.

"Okay and?" he asks.

"Akaashi, Kenma, and Oikawa can also skate," I say.

"Yeah, what does that have to do with me?" he asks.

"Kou, Wakatoshi, and I cannot skate," I say. "You get it now?"

"No," he says. "What am I supposed to even be getting?"

"Setters and middle blockers skate," I say. "And we who specialize in spiking cannot."

"It's true," Bokuto says. "We can't skate."

"Doesn't mean I know how," Kei says. "You're guys logic is stupid."

"Are you saying that you can't skate?" Kuroo asks.

"..." Kei pauses. "I can skate but you can't just assume shit, and follow around with Y/n's systems."

"But did I lie?" I ask. "No I did not, therefore I am god and all I say is true."

"Yeah, her systems don't lie," Kenma says.

"And it's kind of alarming how accurate she can be," Akaashi adds.

"So it's settled, Kei will take me skating today," I smile. "And we'll have a fun date. One where we don't get kicked out of places."

"I'm not taking you out," Kei grumbles. "We don't need you getting in trouble in a different city."

"Kei is taking me out," I say. "Or I'll just have to call Kageyama and ask him to take the train to skate with me, he is a setter after all-"

"Fine I'll take you out," he says. "And I'm sure he's the exception to your stupid logic."

"Ha, Kei's jealous," I laugh.

"Am not."

Just go to my profile and add "I don't understand you pt. 2" to your library or whatever, the first chapter is out so it'll be all normal. It takes off from the end of this book so there's not really any change.


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