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After lunch they walked all together in a long hall downstairs. At the end, a big metal door. Yoongi was leading and with a strong push he wide opened it. The shooting range. Absolutely amazing. Seven workstations filled the room in its full length. On the left side there were the necessary items such as headphones and blinkers. Weapons of all kinds hung on the right one.

Malia opened her mouth gasping as she saw all those pretty toys ready to be tested by her. However, her attention was drawn to a pair of handguns to be used in pairs, an assault machine gun and a long carbon fiber bow.

"This is the shooting range, you will.." Namjoon was cutted of before he could finish. "You know, since this is my territory, maybe I should talk" An annoyed Yoongi said out loud while taking the bulletproof vests and soundproof headphones. Since werewolves have very delicate hearing, a shot in an enclosed space like this could easily deafen those not used to the noise.

Namjoon raised his hands and let him took control of the situation. Yoongi was the best with weapons and an extrordinary sniper. He gained everybody respect and the title of shooter wolf. Many packs aimed to want him as a member, but none dared to challenge the Bangtan Pack.

Malia followed by Tora and Lilith, walked toward the weapons wall. There were all kind of guns, sniper, assoult machine, minigun, and then at last, at least ten kind of bows, knives and swords. Not even doing it on purpose, they had everything.

"Nice toys you got here" Malia said in a sarcastic way while touching the barrel of an assault rifle with her fingers. Tora and Lilith went to the bows and knives. They were beautiful. Lilith had already saw what bow she wanted. It was a precision arc in black carbon fiber, just right for her.

Regarding Tora, she eyed a kunai knives set. They were total black, even the blades which were perfectly sharped. She was about to grab them when a voice brought her back to reality.

"Ladies, may I have your attention please?" Yoongi said out loud. His voice made the three girls turn abruptly. They were so focused on choosing their weapons that they hadn't noticed that the boys were all there staring at them. All three walked towards them in order to listen what Yoongi had to say.

"We're now going to check your accuracy, aim, speed and control skills. As you have seen we have a wide assortment of weapons, you can choose two each no more. Once chosen, those will be your weapons. Forever. Now, choose." He said with a blank expression. It seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else but there. His eyes were clearly saying "Who make me do this? I wanna sleep".

The girls looked back at the weapons wall. They had already chosen. Well, Malia and Lilith. Tora was still focused on those kunai knives. She had no clue on what other weapon she could have chosen so she just started examinating the guns when something different capptured her attention.

Lilith, followed by Malia, went straight to her black bow and grabbed it. She felt it in her fingers, it was light and perfectly balanced. The rope was stretched to the right point and not even too hard for her to stretch. She then looked for the arrows as she found ten different quivers. She never saw something like that.

"Here, allowd me" a voice rang out on her left ear. It was Jin. He seemed so kind sometimes and Lilith didn't know how to feel when he was next to her. She just scooted in order to allowed him in grabbing one of those quivers. There were twenty arrows for each of them. Six were black, four were blue, four red and other four were green.

Jin took out an arrow per color and started explain. "The black ones are normal arrow, the blue ones are poisoned with silver so careful with those" he paused "The red ones are explosive or in any case useful for starting fires and...the green ones are tracers. Is it clear?" he said handing the quiver to Lilith with a light smile on his face.

"Perfectly" Lilith replide seriously to him and walked away reaching Tora who was looking at the guns. "Hei, what did you choose? Look, isn't this the most beautiful bow you've ever seen?" Lilith was very proud of her choice and now she was pointing at an M4 carbine with a professional sight. A shotgun made of a matte black material, perhaps steel .

Tora looked at Lilith's new bow. It really was gorgeous. "Uhm, I...I choose these ones" she said while showing her new Kunai knives set to her friend. "Oh wow! Tora they are amazing, you know how to use this things?" Lilith asked as Tora raised her left arm slipping a katana from behind her back. "And this.." Tora looked at her sword with sparkles in her eyes. Lilith admired it along with her "Cool! And you know what? it suits you, I like it!" she smiled at her.

Tora's Katana had a white hilt interwoven with black leather, the blade was a light steel with darker silver decorations that contrasted the pallor of the blade. At the base of the blade two kanji that Tora was able to identify as "Virtue" and "Spirit".

She was about to speak up when Yoongi called them. When she turned she blocked at the view. Malia was pointing at her two twin guns. "Haha gotta ya!" she said playfully smiling at her. Tora went next to her. "They're pretty cool and...well they suits you" she smiled.

"She's right they seem made for you" a voice came out from behind them. It was Hoseok who had never taken his eyes off Malia. "Mh, thanks" Malia simply replied for then looking at Tora who was smirking at her. "He likes you". she said amused.

"Oh no, not again. Please stop" Malia scoffed out annoyed. Tora was holding herself from laughing when her eyes met Jungkook's. He was starring at her too. She immediately lowered her head and Malia noticed it. She was about to say something when Yoongi spoke "Now that you've chosen your weapons, let's see what you girls are capable of".

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